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Kabalite Warrior

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 20 2014, 23:16

Gonna play in a tournament on monday, and they have this comp:

I've already sent in a list that isn't the most cheesy I could make, but still, what is the most powerful Dark eldar only (C:DE & Coven only) list you can make, following these rules?

Due to the lack of vehicle/unit slots, And since I only am allowed 1 flyer (usually have 3-4), I took a unit of 8 grotesques with a WWP-haemi, and a WWP dark artisan formation.
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Incognito assault marine

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2014, 07:23

The swedish comp is entirely different ruleset fromany other so its quite hard to make list if tuo don't know it beforehand. Nor was it very fair to old de codex. How it is in the new?

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2014, 15:45

Why would anyone play this? This is like playing poker with half the deck wild.
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Kabalite Warrior

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2014, 17:57

Because the other players don't want to be dragged screaming back to Commorragh without a some resistance?

In my list, I took a WWP Blaster-archon with 2 medusae in venom, a WWP/Agoniser/Helm of Spite Haemi with 8 grotesques, 2 blaster/venom troops, 1 gunboat, 1 voidraven (Yes, the razorwing* IS better, but I don't want to win too easily either. ) haywire scourges and a Dark Artisan formation with lots of coven shenanigans.

Not the best list, but I'm trying to be polite. Sure, they're barely gonna kill anything, but at least I'll let them roll some dice.

I feel that this comp really hurts the Gunboat-lists, or any other proper "Non-Tapas Plate" DE list.

*had one singlehandedly kill 1/3 of a tau army once.
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Kabalite Warrior

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 21 2014, 18:00

The aim of this compmall is to force players to create diverse and interesting armies. And force people to play with unit they don´t normally use. However, after trying this out in two tournaments during the past year, I have to say that this comp misses it marks. Because evry arme will loke the same. Having experience with the comp I can guaranty it.

You will face elder with 3 serpents, and a knight, spiders and hawks, and a support weapon batter.

Astra militraum with Pask, and a friend, wyverns, and a fearless blobb with Yarick

So I suggest 3 venoms, 3 raiders and a revenger. Blasterbrourne, scourges, and beastpacks.
Normally I don´t recommend beastpack to turnemnets, but if you what to threaten armour with s5 attacks, 2 s5units is adviceble. And since you can´t have two units of grotesques, a clawed fiendpack could work
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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 22 2014, 06:18

I'm not opposed to comp, but I agree with Talos. This doesn't seem to do what comp should do.
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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 22 2014, 12:00

What tounrament is on in sweden on Monday? /Stockholm branch of the Commorragh

Tell us how it went afterwards!
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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 22 2014, 15:33

Wow. . . Even the basics Talos recommends won't work because that's too many vehicles capable of jinking.

Seems like straight up highlander would be highly preferable to this. At least then you're not making half a dozen rules specific to hurting a single army.

Everything I have ever told you, even this, is a lie.
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Kabalite Warrior

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 22 2014, 19:52

AV 10 vehicles do not count toward jink-limit.

It was in the middle of middle Sweden.

We had both VP for Tactical objectives, defending objectives at Last turn and Kill Points.

First game, which was against Dakkanids, lasted, as we had a time limit, 2 turns. He won on taking objectives. Almost half my army hadn't even arrived from reserves, only the grotes, who where almost shot to death.

Second game, Grey Knights, who had luck with TO. My grotes DS right into the middle of his army, tieing up 1 termie squad, 1 purifier squad and crowe, slowly grinding them down (Well, slowly grinding down crowe. The Purifiers where almost wiped single-handedly byu the agoniser haemi, while Crowe required some help from my Dark Artisan). The Voidraven was a bit of a disappointment, missing the paladins with her bomb, and failing to kill anything else. The Dark Artisan was great. First, she and her boys DS next to an intercepting Lascannon. It shot them but it didn't hurt. She pointed at the lascannon fortification, and her talos' HL got a Weapon destroyed result, neutralizing it. Then they went on killing a slightly damaged dread by first shooting it then killing it with a HoW. Then she finished off Crowe. He still won by vp.

Third game was against eldar. Scourges killed one Wave serpent in a single salve, and the only one who survived the retaliation slowly picked apart the other. The grotes DS into the middle of the left flank, lost half strength to shooting, then killed almost everything there. The agoniser haemi was great. The Dark Artisan DS on the right flank and killed everything there. The Archon DS from behind and wiped out backfield support with a dual Medusa template drop. Only his Nightspinner and crimson hunter where alive.

I have to say that, even tough this comp wasn't good, and most people disliked it, The Dark Artisan (both the unit and the haemi herself. Actually mostly the haemi herself) was awesome, only suffering a single wound in the entire tournament. Grotes where fun too.

The Acest Fighter Ace in the Galaxy (and the rest of my tournament army)! Only at Dank City Haters. Updated 16/7.
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Archon Rixec
Archon Rixec

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Falbergast-abuse. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 24 2014, 13:32

good to hear you fared good. the tourney rules, however, do really suck hard.
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PostSubject: Re: Falbergast-abuse.   Falbergast-abuse. I_icon_minitime

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