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 New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list

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New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list Empty
PostSubject: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 30 2014, 20:32

Greetings, Denizens. I am new on here and I would like to start a new Dark Eldar army as a side army to my Space Wolves, I am looking to start at 1,000 points so I am seeking pointers on what to purchase to build my army.

I have a Raider and a couple of boxes of Kabalite Warriors.

I really like the look of Archon and Haemonculus so I would like to use either for my HQ choice.

I don't have my codex yet so what should I order at the same time as I order my codex?

Sample army lists would be great as well. I am looking to build a fun and mildly competitive list, something I could expand as well.

Sorry if this should be in Army Lists but I figure this is the right section since this isn't a list.
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 30 2014, 21:00

What aspects of our models/playstyle drew you to picking Dark Eldar as your next army?

I ask because, in a vacuum there are literally dozens of valid bits of advice that could be given to you to build an army. I'm okay with doing some filling in, but I'd prefer you to provide a bit more framework.

Otherwise my advice is 'more vehciles, and avoid Wyches and the Voidraven'.

New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list K93hWhs
New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list L1RsnGX
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New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 30 2014, 21:41

What Thor said. It's not as fun as other units (I'm so tired of painting Raiders/Ravagers and Venoms), but the backbone of pretty much every DE army are it's dedicated transports.

If you don't want a transport to be your next purchase then I'd suggest either: Ravager, Scourges, Reavers, probably in that order. Razorwings are good too but I don't know if you want a flyer in a 1000 point list.

"Excess, yeah that's what we do best."
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 31 2014, 01:11

Thor, good point. I want to get into DE mainly because I love the fluff and minis from the DE line. As I mentioned I want to build a cool army that's also good on the table. I'm looking at generally running Ravagers, Raiders, Venoms, Reavers, Kabalite Warriors, maybe even Wracks and scourges. What would be a good list with such minis and similar?

Expletive, I don't mind painting DE transports, they look more fun than Rhinos and Razorbacks lol.
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 31 2014, 08:50

I'll give you the quick and dirty build advice for all the units you mentioned.

Ravagers favor dark lances.
Raiders also.
Venoms should all be built with double s.cannons.
Reavers generally favor caltrops and do not field special gun upgrades.
Warriors tend to be fielded either as 5 men w. a blaster or as 10 men with maybe an s.cannon and/or maybe a blaster.
Wracks should take a liquifier gun - they are a bit overshadowed as Elite options right now.
Scourges tend to favor the 4x haywire build.

As far as an army? Eh, there are many ways you can go. Looking at your list of favored models here's a quick and functional build. Albeit it is a list built to your model requests and to my playstyle, which may or may not be your playstyle. There are certainly other good lists possible with the models you are interested in.

1x Archon w. Blaster and Shadowfield (goes in a Raider)
2x 5 Warriors w. Blaster in Raider w. Lance
2x 5 Warriors w. Blaster in Venom w. S.cannon
1x 5 Scourges w. 4 haywire blasters
1x Ravager w. dark lances
6x Reaver Jetbikes w. 2x Caltrops, Arena Champ w. Aggie

The Shadowfield exists simply to help deny points for Slay the Warlord.
The Reavers move up aggressive to draw fire and engage targets in assault to work the bladevanes and caltrops. They jink when anyone even sneezes in their direction.
The Warriors are the workhorses and use blasters, lances, and poison to attack whatever target needs it.
Ravager and Scourges (backed up by Raider lances) focus on downing dangerous mech targets early.

It's a perfectly fine list.
That said - I always think you should build your own lists. There are multiple paths to winning with the Dark Eldar.

New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list K93hWhs
New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list L1RsnGX
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 31 2014, 19:12

That list is pretty much what I was thinking about running, I just wasn't sure how to build them.

One exception I feel I would make to that list is the Reaver Jetbikes, they seem too squishy to bother bringing in a 1000pt game so I am thinking I will probably forgo the bikes. What would be a good replacement/addition to that list, more bodies/transport or even a Razorwing or something else?
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 31 2014, 22:31

In my opinion many things would be better than the bikes in that list.

New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list K93hWhs
New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list L1RsnGX
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 01 2015, 00:29

I agree, that's what I thought. I am going to abandon this thread for now until I get my codex and put together an proper army list. Thanks.
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PostSubject: Re: New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list   New to Dark Eldar looking to build a 1000pt list I_icon_minitime

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