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 Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models

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Sinister Intent
Sinister Intent

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Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models Empty
PostSubject: Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models   Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 07 2018, 21:37

So in recent weeks I've been toying with the notion of painting several elements of my army with 'Ardcoat or a similar gloss varnish, as to give these elements a "shinny" or "refractive" look.  I've seen numerous cases of reaver helmets getting a coat or two in order to create a glossy black (or colored) look but I'm curious if anyone has toyed around with this finish on vials for coven units and/or canopies of our winged craft.

I'm thinking about painting the canopies of a RWJF, Venom and Voidraven Bomber, but would like to know if anyone has had success with the tactic of applying gloss varnish over a black base coat and what the results looked like. Obviously pictures are great but before diving into this project head first, I figured I would pick the brains (figure of speech - sit down, haemonculi) of my fellow denizens as to the best approach to achieve my desired effects. Thanks in advance!

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PostSubject: Re: Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models   Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 00:53

Vials yes.  Here’s a tutorial:

For canopies there is a far far better way.  Paint the inside of the canopy your color(s) of choice.  Don’t paint the outside of the canopy at all.  The canopy will have a nice glossy finish. Wink

Kabal of the Green Hair
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PostSubject: Re: Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models   Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 02:26

I use gloss varnish on all the vials on my kabalites and grotesques, as well as the blank-faced wych and reaver helmets. If you're not using one of the insta-gem colors and you're doing it yourself with blending, it also works great for the gems on Venoms and the likes.
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PostSubject: Re: Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models   Uses of 'Ardcoat and Gloss Varnish on DE models I_icon_minitime

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