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 2000 pts Coven/Ynnari

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Join date : 2017-12-03

2000 pts Coven/Ynnari Empty
PostSubject: 2000 pts Coven/Ynnari   2000 pts Coven/Ynnari I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 02 2018, 00:53

Up against a harlequin player, we both have to take at least 1200 pts of our primary factions so there will be at least 1200 pts of clowns, the other 800 is a mystery. The scenario we are playing is a modified maelstrom game where we can create a side deck of 24 maelstrom cards to draw from. There is also kill points, warlord, linebreaker and first strike.

Here is my list:

Prophets of flesh Battalion
Urien Rakarth (warlord)
Haemonculus - venom blade, splinter pistol, (probably) vexator mask

5 wracks - venom blade
5 wracks - venom blade
5 wracks - venom blade

8 grotesques

5 scourges - 4 shredders
5 scourges - 4 shredders

3 talos - chain flails, twin haywire blasters, macro scalpel
3 talos - chain flails, twin haywire blasters, macro scalpel

Ynnari Patrol
Yvraine (word of the phoenix, ynnead's gaze)
Eldrad Ulthran (guide, doom, executioner)

5 rangers

8 dark reapers + exarch

I'm considering swapping eldrad out for a skyrunner farseer (doom, executioner), but I'd like to hear your guys' opinions first. I think by eschewing any vehicles and taking lots of invulns I'm negating harlequins main strengths (haywire spam and lots of ap in close combat).
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2000 pts Coven/Ynnari
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