Hey folks,
I'm a total DE newbie struck by the desire to drop his boring old space marines and build a pure coven army.
I'm really struggling with how to have my wracks so some help would be appreciated.
1) Ossifactors or Liquifiers? both seem useful but I'm struggling to pick which wins out overall.
2) Acoythysts yay or nay and what upgrades if yay? my feeling is to keep my squads cheap and avoid.
3) 5m in Venom, 10m in Raiders(DL or Dis) or footslog?
Obviously with the formations there are benefits to both Raiders and Venoms but I worry about a lack of anti armour without DL raiders which would mean relying entirely on Talos.
I know a pure coven list won't be competitive but I'm more looking for fun and interesting.
Any other advice or tips welcome in regards to coven units and tactics.