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 The Kabal of the <Insert mindblowingly cool name here>

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Posts : 11
Join date : 2015-03-01

The Kabal of the <Insert mindblowingly cool name here> Empty
PostSubject: The Kabal of the <Insert mindblowingly cool name here>   The Kabal of the <Insert mindblowingly cool name here> I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 01 2015, 14:15

Hey all!

I got back into GW stuff about May or so last year, first picked up some Necrons then transitioned fairly quickly over to Fantasy, resurrecting my long forgotten Vampire Counts. Took a detour through Lizardmen, and then brought the Necrons out of stasis sleep. Throw in a dash of Slaaneshi Chaos warband and finish with a souffle of spiky suffering.

Yeah, I'm one of those guys who flits around a lot...

And that's pretty much where I am now. Literally sitting at my kitchen top with a small warband's worth of models in various stages of progress. I bought a Wych Cult shardstorm, second Venom, box of Kabalite warriors and an Archon on Friday and have been working my way through them over the weekend.

Looking forward to getting to know the pla- AAAGH

<is dragged off to the gladiator arenas>
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The Kabal of the <Insert mindblowingly cool name here>
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