I recently started
a thread about the idea of using Eldar as a basis for a horde army ("Eldar" to me means Craftworld, Dark Eldar and Harlequins). One thing I had on my mind in all of that was the idea of flooding the field with Wracks, but after reading what others had to say, I don't think it's a very good idea.
(This would make me sadface; 3 on an objective? That's it?) Nevertheless I find myself desperately trying to make the concept of at least 20 to 30 Wracks a viable thing in an army list (semi-competitive). I think that the idea of having them in Venoms is good, but then I wouldn't be showcasing the awesome models..
..plus I already play Venom spam. I can picture it now:
The Scribe: Hey, you wanna play some 40k?Friend: Uh.. are you playing your Dark Eldar Venom spam again? No thanks!The Scribe: Oh, don't worry it's a different kind of Venom Spam! Friend: Before I dive into things, I want to point out that my goals are actually quite simple:
- Semi-competitive list (1500 to 2000 points),
- Mostly Dark Eldar, but can include Craftworlders and/or Harlequins in any number,
- 20 to 30 Wracks in any configuration; I just want to have Wracks as a visual part of the overall theme
As a side note, I've considered adding Cultists in for fun (Helbrute Formation or just plain old Cultists). Why Cultists? I feel that they fit the overall Dark Eldar theme as slaves, cattle or just because it's fun for the whole family: lords of pain and skull-takers alike enjoy a good fight
One last thing before I start presenting some of my more in-depth ideas: I want to talk about what Wracks are good at. Namely:
- T4 and FnP (5+) and Fearless as of turn-2 if from the Covens supplement
- 2 Attacks base, 3 on the charge -- all 4+ Poisoned
To me this says a couple of things right off the bat: Monstrous Creature hunters and decent against MEQ. They can also serve as tarpits, albeit they're not the best at it; Grotesques and allied Cultists would be better. Another idea: fielding them in small units to sit on objectives; they could be small enough in number that no one wants to divert firepower onto them even if they're not objective secured. These roles and ideas that I just mentioned may have some variety to them but they're so precise that it makes it a little hard to use them. With that in mind, my next thoughts were:
I've been mulling some ideas over and considering a video by Archon Timatron, which you can view
here. The basic gist of my idea is that the best way to make Wracks work in any way whatsoever is to go with the Haemonculus Covens Supplement where they can get Fearless on the second turn:
- Power From Pain in the Covens Supplement: turn-2 Fearless
- Haemonculus: +1 Power from Pain table for the model and its unit (turn-1 Fearless for a single unit)
- Urien Rakarth: +1 Power from Pain table with 12" range (turn-1 Fearless for any units within 12" of Urien)
In regards to the Scarlet Epicurean in particular, the Cronos offers:
- Spirit probe: 6" range +1 FnP (4+) meaning that the Cronos should sit between both units of Wracks
At this point I was thinking that if you could add in a Craftworld psyker who could confer some covers saves, you'd be looking at T4, FnP (4+), Fearless Wracks with variable cover saves (realistically: 4+ cover save, 4+ FnP), however a reliable psychic cover save isn't guaranteed, so you'd have to roll for Night Fight and/or hug cover as you advance. Nevertheless Urien Rakarth does dish out It Will Not Die as of turn-3 to any friendly Coven units within 12", so I'd imagine that a cool way of running things would be as such:
- Urien in the center with the Cronos in front or behind him
- Two units of Wracks within 6" of the Cronos and within 12" of Rakarth
- One or more units of multi-wound models (Grotesques, Talos or even Cronos) within 6" of the Cronos
- One or more units of multi-wound models (Grotesques, Talos or even Cronos) within 12" of Urien
- Possibly more units of Cronos providing combat support and +1 FnP (to a maximum of 4+, before even considering any potential effects that might be awarded by the Nightmare Doll to a Haemonculus)
Of course there's no need to stick to the Scarlet Epicureans; I was also thinking that the Covenite Fleshcorps might be good, as well as the Scalpel Squadron. Realistically I think that the Scalpel Squadron has the best chances of bringing something semi-competitive to a Dark Eldar, Craftworld and/or Harlequin army, but like I said earlier I already run Venom Spam and so am looking for something a little different, unless it's the only truly viable option for a semi-competitive list.
In any case that's where I'm at with my ideas. What do you guys think? How could we make 20 to 30 Wracks viable? They can be fielded in any way you like, in any kind of Dark Eldar, Craftworld or Harlequin army. Really all I want is to be able to showcase the models and play out a cool scenario of the maniacs akin to the Cenobites from Hellraiser.
*Evil Cenobite Chatterer chuckling*