I'm entering one of the biggest tournaments in the country with my Dark Eldar, and would need some feedback on my list. The tournament in question has three limiting factors when it comes to list building that I have to take into account:
1. No more than one special character HQ choise.
2. No duplicate HQ choises (meant to counter SW runepriest spam but also means I get only one haemie. Special charcters count as the type of charcter they're supposed to be so no Urien and a regular haemie or Vect and an archon in the same list).
3. Max 2 of the same elite, FA or HS slots.
For the first 1500s I can just use my usual list (altough normally I'd probably take a second haemonculus and a unit of wytches instead of wracks)
1xHaemonculus: liquifier, venom blade.
4xTrueborn: 4 blasters, Venom with splintercannon
4xTrueborn: 4 blasters, Venom with splintercannon
5xWarriors: blaster, Venom with splintercannon
5xWarriors: blaster, Venom with splintercannon
9xWytches: haywires, Hekatrix with an agonizer, Raider with flickerfield
10xWracks: 2 liquifiers, Acothyst with venom blade, Raider with flickerfield
Ravager with lances and flickerfield
Ravager with lances and flickerfield
Razorwing with disintegrators, splintercannon, nightshield and flickerfield (to gun down those pesky Grey Knights)
But I'm not sure what to get with the last 350 points. I can't take any more trueborn or ravagers, I can't get another haemonculus so I'd rather not get another wytch unit (I prefer to have them start with fnp, othervise they die as soon as their raider blows). So far, I thought about adding
Archon with shadowfield, drugs, agonizer, phantasm launcher
4xIncubi, Venom with splintercannon
3xReavers with heat lance
The incubi and archon could be useful in removing enemy assault units or tough units sitting in cover, and the reavers are there because I couldn't figure anything else useful that I could get with the remaining points.