Vallejo is alright, I find their game colour range though has a lot of seperation issues, it's kind of a bummer, as Scrz said I would go for their air range particuarly on metallics, their pigments are much finer.
If you're going for a dark eldar scheme close to the official studios though I would just go for the GW paints, for me their quality is top notch, its just the price thats annoying.
Anyway, to me eyeballing how they've done their army it looks Abaddon Black, then the hues on the armor look like Incubi Darkness > Sotek Green. The edges look like a shade of Incubi Darkness, then lined smartly with Sybarite Green, with a hint of white on the most jagged edges of the armor.
If you're going tabletop standard you could just get away with Chaos Black and just lining in Sybarite Green. Pick up a Leadbelcher and a fleshy shade for the tabards and you're ready to go.