My last game I tried the ynnari rules with my dark eldar army.
I managed to kill a unit with some reaver bikes on the charge, I trigger SfD.
They're no longer in combat, I declare a second charge. I make the charge to a marine squad close by. I then start to resolve attacks but my opponent gets really salty saying that can't be right and a few people start looking up the rules.
Now to me, it's clear, you charge and thus you fight ( you can't usually fight twice but SfD allows it - the same as the choice of shooting twice).
The second choice of SfD - attacking in combat is there incase I'm still locked in combat so I can choose to fight without charging a unit.
My opponents (I should say friends, they're not being funny it's just a genuine difference of opinion)
Say that I can charge but not fight, because it's a different step, it lets me charge into a different unit but I can't attack. We agree that if I was locked in combat and used the other combat choice,, I could attack a second time.
So to me it's clear as day, you charge, you attack. You don't charge and stand there being hit it sounds silly. But all the rest of the group agree on this and I want the internets opinion.
I gratefully welcome any feedback