At this point range, consider taking dissies on raider, might be more usefull.
Weapons wise : maybe switch agonisers for power swords, depending if the oponnent has the same toughness.
Also, if the opponent has many multi wounds miniatures (bikers, etc.) consider shardnet & impaler (2dmg each).
Other advices & gameplay :
Also don't forget to assign drugs (different each time, for wyches bloodbrides and succubus), recommanded +1A, +1S, +2mov (or +1WS for Succubus if you wanna fight before turn 3).
Also dont' forget to shoot pistols during your shooting phase, EVEN (& especially) if you're locked into melee. Blast pistols makes wonders.
Shooting phase : don't forget PGL, and also the fact that you can use grenades (D6 shots something).
You are pretty vulnerable with fall backs and another unit shooting at you. Don't forget to use their special rules to dice duel if they can fall back ; note that one unit of wyches can "lock" multiples units, but multiples wyches units locking one unit still result in one dice duel, not one per wyches unit.
Good luck, have fun