At first glance, the Kabal of the Bleeding Eye might appear to be small and insignificant, compared to some of the other great Kabals. However, invisible to even the most observant eye, the Kabal's influence spreads through the Dark City like a cancer.
Archon Veshak can call to his banner all manner of groups and cults, most notable of which are the Cult of the Perfect Blade, The Temple of the Drakeskins, The Twisted Coven, as well as numerous Trueborn Covens, including the Brotherhood of the Twisted Thorn and the Pureblooded.
The Cult of the Perfect Blade are a wych cult that take pride in killing their opponents without getting a single drop of blood on their skin. To prove this, they wear light coloured clothing and armour, so any blood there might be will show up easily.
The Drakeskins are a large and infamous Incubi Temple. They earned their name after Drazhar himself led the Temple (which then was relatively small) on a raid against an Exodite world. The raid turned into a full purging of the planet, and at the end of it, the Incubi took the skins of the dragons they had killed as trophies, and wore them as cloaks. Any initiate who wishes to join the Temple, as his final exam, must claim a drakeskin cloak, either by killing an existing member of the Temple, or by accompanying a raid to an Exodite world and killing one of the Exodite beasts. Most choose the raid.
The Twisted Coven are an unusual group of Haemonculi in that the Haemonculi Ancients that control the coven are clones of each other. "The Original," the Flesh Sculptor these creatures took their genetic code from died long ago, and so they do their best to preserve themselves, hardly ever leaving the safety of their Talos guarded oubliettes. But when they do embark on a real-space raid, they do so with a circus of horrors and twisted things. Where the Cult of the Perfect blade strive to avoid all blood in battle, the Twisted Coven revel in it. Their Talos', Cronos', Grotesques and Wracks will throw themselves headlong into battle, wanting to savour the blood of those they kill. The more they kill, the more their bloodlust grows until they become so frenzied that if there is not an enemy within reach, they will start tearing into each other.