Hi fellow web way dwellers.
This weekend I will have my 1st exposure to 8th. I have played the dark kin since early 7th. My gaming group are having a small round robin the other players are blood angels, csm, tau and neurons.. as I haven't played 8th yet I don't know what works so any pointers would be great.
Archon, blaster
Haemonculus, agoniser
3 x 5 kabalites, blaster
5 trueborn 4 blasters
3 grotrsques
Fast attack
5 scourge 4 blasters
Heavy support
Ravaged 3 dark lance
Razorwing dark lance
2 raider shock probe
3 venom extra cannon
That's 1500 on the nose and 75 power level what ever that does. 6 co and lots of dark light and splinter.
What should i watch out for? And any last min changed you would recommend.
Thanks SS