Looking for feedback on a coven list I've made for fun games.
Urien Rakarth (warlord with coven trait)
Haemonculus: electrocorrosive whip, crucible, parasite's kiss
Wracks: Acothyst with electro whip and stinger pistol, 2 wracks with ossefactors, 7 wracks
Wracks: Acothyst with scissorhand and stinger pistol, wrack with ossefactor, 3 wracks
Wracks: Acothyst with scissorhand and stinger pistol, wrack with ossefactor, 3 wracks
5 mandrakes
Fast Attack:
5 scourge with 4 dark lances
Heavy support:
Cronos with spirit vortex
Ravager with 3 dark lances
Talos with 2 macro scalpels and stinger pods
Venom with 2 splinter cannons
General game plan is based off a previous strategy I used against a craftworld opponent.
The haemonculus and 10 man wrack squad deep strike using the strategem.
Urien, the monsters and one of the 5 man wrack teams footslog up the field to draw fire from the backfield lance units.
Mandrakes operate as either character hunters or as late game objective grabbers
We've house ruled exploding mortal wounds in the ossefactors so they seem to me the better of the wrack weapons.
All feedback appreciated