Finally played my very first game. I did not take any pictures and I know this helps with conveying the battleground but this is more of hash through of what my first battle is. The person I was playing is a long standing player and friend of my brother who I have met several times. He knew I was green and I knew enough to play but needed help. He has a tendancy to argue rules but I was happy he would be able to teach me. Unfortunately he must have been tired cause turn two he started sighing and clicking his tongue cause I did not know my units stats by heart nor did I know how to resolve combat instantly........
1850 pts
My list
Husk blade,
Venom Blade
Phantash Grenade Launcher
4 Incubi
Venom Dual Cannons Night shields
2 Haemes each with a wyche squad and both died quickly....
3 True born 3x blaster
Venom Dual Splinter cannons Night shields
3 True born 3x blaster
Venom Dual Splinter cannons Night shields
6 Reavers
2 heat lances
1x clustor caltrops
10 Warriors
1x Splinter cannon
Raider Night Shield
7 Wyches
Hydra Gauntlet
Raider Night Shield
7 Wyches
Hydra Gauntlet
Raider Night Shield
Night Shield
Night Shield
Razorwing Fighter
SPlinter canon
2 Mono Missles
2 Shatter Shard Missles
Oponent was Chaos Marines ( this is from memory )
7 Plague Marines with a Champion
Land raider with dual Las spontoons
9 Thousand sons
1 Champion
Rhino w/ bolters
9 Khorne beserkers
Greater demon ( this guy could replace a champion from a squad)
3 Obliterators
1 Defiler
Reaper Canon
Big battle cannon
We had a hill with trees in bottom left corner, a ruin about 12 by 14 in the other bottom right corner, a hill in the center, building in upper left corner and hill on the top right corner. So a piece of terrain in each corner and a hill in the middle.
So we roled Objectives and pitched battle. 4 objectives 1 in my ruins on the bottom right, one in bottom middle behind the center hill. He put both of his on either side of the hill on his side in the center.
He rolled and won to go first. I forgot to try to steal it. I did roll for my drugs... 6... pain token for everyone!! He deployed centrally behind the center hill land raider in the middle with Abadon and crew, rhino on each side. and oblits behind one tank, defiler on the other. Demon in reserve.
I deployed 1 ravagers and both trueborn venoms on the left behind tree's, Ravager and warrior raider with the archon\incubi venom center behind center hill, both wych raiders on left behind ruins. Left my plane and reavers in reserve.
So first off I deployed bad, I spread myself out all over the board and I know better. Then I looked at his army. Abadon and Land Raider have to die and obliterators need to go.
Turn 1
He moves everything up straight forward and shoots my warrior raider with las cannon, blows up, I lose 1 warrior... then fail my leadership. Pinned and would not move from there for the rest of the game ( they were next to one of my Objectives) Shoots at a ravager with the defiler canon... hits... wrecks.... nothing else does anything
Dark Elder
Ok time to hit back.... Move my ravager out to target his Land Raider, roll my venoms down left side with the trueborn, I move my incubi up near his rhino with Karn and his boys, I roll my venoms up to blast at his Defiler or shoot anything that comes out of his rhino, other side I roll both wych raider up to his other rhino. Shooting, I stun the Karn rhino after 3 Lance shots, 6 blaster shots. soooooo.... all my stuff was waiting to beat down the rhino contents and their all stuck out in the wind. other side, I shoot at his thousand son rhino, miss, then disembark my wyches and try to haywire his tank. 15 Grenades Does not happen and I can not quite surround the rhio so his back hatch is open. ( just sounds bad all the way around huh!!)
Turn 1 review... I suck at rolling dice!!! My plan just fell apart..... lol Newb feast to start..... now
Turn 2
Chaos Marines
He rolls to repair the one rhino I hurt.... 6.... Repaired.... he then debarks Karn and the boys, he debarks the thousand sons to shoot and assult my wyches. Moves up his oblits and landraider some more ( land raider is right on top of the middle hill)
Shooting he shoots the big defiler gun at my warriors still in their hole on my objective left side... misses Shoots Karn and boys at my Incubi.... kills one. Shoots thousand sons at one wych squad, kills 3, Oblits Stun a raider. Nothing else hits
Assult, he runs Karn at my Incubi and Archon, Archon goes first buddy, kills two beserkers, next karn goes next hits two of his own guys and then hits my archon.. I save all three hits and he kills two of his own guys... LMAO!!! After its all done no Incubi are lost and 4 beserkers are gone and Karn has a wound. He changed out the company champion of us thousand sons with the demon and rolled both sons and demon into the lower number of wyches. The demon and thousand sons attack both wyche squads. I lose both combats bad... though I did kill 3 thousand sons. Demon kills three I fail my leadership AGAIN and start the run back to my side. The smaller squad just gets torn up and the last wyche gets run down.
Dark Eldar
Ok so not the greatest start and literally nothing has gone good with my rolling. So on to the next round. I roll reserves.... nothing comes in!! I move things around but somehow don't see the venom next to the incubi combat... do not move it!!
Wyches keep running. I fire ravager at his land raider and I finally sitck it, wreck it and is not going anywhere!! Blasters from truborn shoot at Defiler, miss all three. Other set of 3 fire.. hit immobolize it! I then shoot at his oblits with a venom and do nothing. Shoot wyche raiders at his oblits.. double ones. Nothing else hits on shooting.. terrible rolls.
Assult. Incubi and archon hit again.. I roll like 16-18 dice... 1 hit.... he saves it.. Karn goes .. hit my archo once.. I fail the shadow field.. take a wound.. then kharn hits two of his guys AGAIN and kills one.. I gotta recruit this kharn guy!!!
Round two wrap up.. more BAD rolling and I am starting to wonder why I thought this game was going to be fun at all!! Notoriously my brother who I watch all the time play is a terrible dice roller but he is good enough to get past that. I inherited it and it is frustrating!! LOL oh well we take a break as my opponent is getting grumpy cause I am asking questions while we are playing and he looks tired. He goes gets food I go talk to my brother who is playing his tyranids vs Grey knights and has somehow made his opponent so mad he just threw away some of his dice. My brother turned to me and asked what was wrong cause I must have looked like my kitten got ran over.. told him I was doing terrible and he laughed.. told me.. ITS YOUR FIRST GAME.. this is not going to just be given to you. So he had my opponents brother come over to our board while his brother was off getting food.. and he went over with me what I was doing wrong. Then told me the same things.. THIS IS NOT LIFE AND DEATH... the dice gods are gonna kick you in the dice somedays... so just take a breath and start over.. try to enjoy yourself some!!
Round Three
Ok so my opponent is back and eating greasy pizza!! But much happier. I am smiling and joking with him.. we start round 3. He shuffles around some stuff that can move. But nothing really happens with moves. he does disembark Abadon and his nurgle boys on the center hill.
Shooting. He shoots his oblits at wyche raiders.. misses. Shoots at 3 trueborn with Defiler.. kills 2.. last one FAILS leadership and falls back
He assults one raider with his demon.. misses
Incubi fight some more with the beserkers... lose combat.. fail leadership ( thats 4 in a row ) and fall back towards the warrios still sitting in their crater next to my objective.
Dark Elder
Reserves... 6..... 6... reavers come on and my Jet comes on.... HEY SOME GOOD LUCK!!
I turbo my reavers over his thousand sons... who are near my bottom objective.. cluster caltrops.. 6..... blood vanes for 5 bikes.... 12 hits... I roll 18 dice... hit 16 wound 12.... and bye bye thousand sons. I move my venoms over towards middle to see if I can shoot abadon or Oblits. My other wyche sqaud, that has been running back the whole time finally stops.. in my ruins with my other objective.. HEY I WILL STAY HERE!!! So I shuffle everything around and prepare for some shooting. Trueborn shoot and blow up empty rhino next to beserkers. Venom fires both cannons at them.. hits 8 of 12... wounds 6 of 8... dead Beserkers... other venom shoots Karn takes him down. Razorwing shoots two shatter fields at Oblits.... and fires his lances and cannon at them.. kills one! Everything else shoots at abadon and nurgle boys who are really close to my warriors on my one objective. Killing two of eight and ACTAULLY wounding abadon.
Turn 3 Summary... ok so that works.. I stopped caring about the dice and the dice gods smiled on me!! And my opponent just got really grumpy again.... funny how when you are dropping ones left and right and they are clearing through saves with no issues.. its just how good they are... when I start doing it.... I am just plain lucky!! he has Plague marines left for troops who are in front of my objective with the warriors. His defiler is down, his big demon is over next to my other objective with the wyches. I have my reavers.. my jet... 8 wyches on one objective... 8 warrios on the other.. 2 venoms and 2 raiders left.
Turn 4
He moves oblits down some more.
He moves Demon into ruins to assult my wyches.
He moves abadon and plague marines over to my warriors.
Shoots canon off defiler kills 2 reavers
Shoots abadon and plague marines in warriors... kills 3
Shoots oblits at my jet.. misses
Assult he runs abadon in... they lock as I make 4 5+ saves and kill another plague marine
Demon assults into wyches. initiaive one... wyches beat the demon down using a 6 on the hydra gauntlet....kill him before he hits
Dark Elder
I shuffle everything around again.. all that is left is the 2 oblits, plague marines and abadon.. my warriors are on the objective figthing abadon.. my wyches are on my other objective...
Jet shoots 2 mono missles at oblits.. bye bye oblits!
Assult.. needless to say abadon is going to beat my warrios.. BUT WAIT... he hits 5 times.. I save 3... take two wounds.. take leadership.. I PASS ON DOUBLE ONES!!! Locked in combat
Ok onto 5
Chaos... nothing to do Abadon kills my last warrior... there is abadon is 3 Plague marines left at this point... one champion.. standing on my other objective.... he hunkers down...
Dark eldar.. Like a bad dream.... 4 reavers... a razorwing.. 2 venoms... 2 raiders all turn and start to pour on the fire... Reaver run over them.. 6 on caltrops again... ALl dead when the smoke clears...
Dark eldar 1 objective... chaos marines tabled....
I was told after the game he quit trying after turn 4... cause he was tired and I was taking forever doing anything....
I thanked him!! I asked after we were done was there anything I could have done better and he was very nice and explained the things he though I did wrong.
What do you guys think? I know I should not have split up my initial deployment.. or got out of my aircraft before opening any tanks. I was told not to reserve my jet or reavers either....