The codex has arrived and now so has the 2.0 version of the calculator!
I have update the calculator to have all the new weapons in it and updated the graphing functionality that shows you what the probability of different levels of damage from different weapons and whole squads to include full support for multishot weapons like our new amazing shredder and haywire blaster.
And it even has graphs of that damage!
As always I'd really like feedback from the community on ways it can be improved, with new information or to make it easier to use.
So without further ado:
Mathhammer Calculator v2.0
New in this version:
New Codex weapons are in. (except some of the relics as I missed them - work around is you can add them in the Custom Weapons area)
Graphical support for multishot weapons
(Mods, would you mind if we didn't sticky this immediately, but left it a couple of days as I feel it gets lost in the sticky bar on release)