I'd look at something like this as a starting point. The Black Heart warlord would sit in the backfield with three ravagers giving them rerolls to hit and wound(with relic). The flayed skull raiders would do their thing, can even deepstrike the raider with the two archons. I included one screen unit to toss out to the dogs. And one mandrake squad as they are very efficient and have deepstrike built in. Could change out the mandrakes and screen for a haywire (anti-tank) or shredder scourge (anit-infantry) squad per preference as they are both excellent at their dedicated roll.
6 Dark Lance
6 Dis Cannon
5 Blasters
2 Shredders
1 each, PGL, Agonizer, VenomBlade, HuskBlade
Upgrades Base Extra Total
Archon VB, Relic rerolls 70 2 72
Ravager DLx2, DCx1 80 55 135
Ravager DLx2, DCx1 80 55 135
Ravager DLx2, DCx1 80 55 135
Mandrakes 80 80
Archon BL, husk 70 23 93
Archon BL, Agon, PGL 70 24 94
Kablite x8 BLx1 48 17 65
Kablite x10 BLx2 60 34 94
Kablite x10 SHx2 60 16 76
Kablite x5 Screen 30 30
Raider DCx1 65 15 80
Raider DCx1 65 15 80
Raider DCx1 65 15 80