I am Sedat from Turkey, an engineer who happens to own his own company with one of his best friend (Our company's name is Arkon Mechanical Engineering
) I am a very competitive minded player and try not to be a waac person... I managed to join our country's first ETC 40K team two years ago, and Vect willing will enter this year's event in Zagreb too...
I began to play Dark Eldar at the end of the 6th edition, i had participated my first tournament and one of the guys had brought his dark eldar army. I managed to win the tournament with my space marines by luck and some skill and bought a start collecting dark eldar set.
As warhammer products are really expensive compared in our country, i bought some recast models from china back then and the products' quality were horrible which quickly killed my inspiration and willingness to make a full army, never the less i managed to play in a few tournaments and got one or two top places with beast star army (khmyeria, two far seers and beast masters).
The general weakness of the army kept me away from playing it, as i was preparing for last three years for ETC, i played it only one or two times in friendly occasions. Now that our codex shines bright, i am planning on playing with my Dark Eldar this year.
I, of course want to repaint and repair my stuff, to buy new ones and properly magnetize them.
Here is the first magnetizing picture of my new raider, it was staying in its box for three years and so happy to work on it:
I magnetized the weapon option and the sail part for easy transportation, i also cut the steer part as it is very easy to brake as i learned from a youtube channel