Greetings fellow Archons,
I don't know if any of you have seen this yet, but some new rules were recently leaked for Genestealer Cults, the most powerful of which is a Warlord Trait that allows the Patriarch and one of it's units to get an automatic 6 on the Ambush, basically meaning that on turn 2 our ravager blob or raider transport will get a bunch of genestealers dropped 1" away from it, basically meaning they are guaranteed to be shredded. In addition, any screens we deploy are likely to get broken by the ambushing Neophytes - they only have to break a single hole in order to give the genestealers space to move through it. In addition, they will probably have a unit of devourer Tormagaunts deepstriking from under a Trygon as well. We do have AoV if they attempt to shoot again, but that is still going to be a lot of things to deal with that we can't shoot at and whittle down beforehand. Then there are Flyrants and possibly Hiveguard to deal with, all while having hordes of crickets charge up from the front lines. I'm sure there is a way to deal with this, but as it seems like so much at once it will be dicey. My playing group has a couple homebrewed rules as well, and one of them is that we don't use the 50% deepstrike only rule, so it is quite possible for his entire force to pop up around me.