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 Domain Name Fundraiser

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Barking Agatha
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09 2021, 13:46

Yeah let me know if there is a Paypal way of helping and i will through some at you.

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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 09 2021, 17:59

Catching on to this a bit late, but I'm also happy to throw some pennies in to help keep things going.

I realize it's a little bit of extra work, but can I perhaps suggest setting up something like a Patreon for The Dark City?
That way we have a single external place we can sign up for, and all chip in. And whoever is tasked and is happy with being tasked) with administrating it can simply use that money to pay the site upkeep whenever is necessary?
Worth considering something like that so we're prepared for next time?

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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 12:13

My luddite brain has done a bit of research on this. Patreon may be a possibility but there are potentially tax issues which I personally would not be willing to venture into, as I have more than enough scrutiny from HMRC (our version of the IRS for our American denizens) as it is.

There may also be a way to put a donate button on the forum but I've not yet seen how this can be directly linked to the purchase of credits for the forum. All I've seen at the moment is a link to a personal Paypal account which the owner of said account would then need to use to purchase credits. Maybe someone with better knowledge of forumotion may be able to work out how to 'cut out the middle man'?

Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 YhBv3Wk
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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 12:36

Would someone mind clicking on the following link and posting a screenshot of what you see please?


Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 12:51

Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 T3tzG7t

This is what shows up for me.
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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 14:14

Yeah, I thought that might happen. From that same URL I get a completely different screen which enables me to simply purchase credits with paypal. Question

Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 15:49

My screen looks like Burnages as well. Also if I type in or it doesn't come up at all so I can not even see the optional way to pay.

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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 16:23

amishprn86 wrote:
My screen looks like Burnages as well. Also if I type in or it doesn't come up at all so I can not even see the optional way to pay.

Due to losing the domain name (hopefully reinstated soon) the forum URL is currently

Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10 2021, 23:16

I tried that and it says it doesn't work.

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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 06 2022, 16:50

Has the domain name gone again? And are funds needed?
The regular domain name is now leading to a "domain expired" page.

Kabal of the Eternal NightModelling Blog
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The Strange Dark One
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 06 2022, 17:12

I'd be more than willing to donate some bucks myself.
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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 07 2022, 10:33

I've paid for the credits but I can't spend them as only the founder of the forum can do that. I've messaged @SkySerpent about it and I'm waiting for a reply. Sorry!

Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Domain Name Fundraiser   Domain Name Fundraiser - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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