Hey folks, I love the new book and I'm excited to finally get games on the table (vacc shot 2 in 2w). I might not have as much time as I did in the past to play, but I sure can write about the tactics and strategies that we can use to overcome our enemies!
Just like my 8th Ed. article series here:
Some of these need updating for sure, but some of these are still applicable, such as this one here (with minor updates):
Before I get started on this, I'm wondering if there's anything you folks would like to see? As a DE player since 3rd, my playstyle has consistently been mechdar with gunboats with a splash of Wyches. I don't own any Coven units, even when they were ridiculous as per the Meat Mountains back in 8th.
Here are some articles I think I'll start with:
9th Ed. unit bucket (good stuff list)
herohammer combos and tactics (how to best utilize our new HQ layouts)
update the movement and tactics guide
post my new list and deep dive into it (Kabal and Cults)
primaries and secondaries
vs. the meta
What else? LMK. I'll reserve a slot here as a second post so I can use it as a table of contents.