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 10th ed Harliquin allies

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PostSubject: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 23 2023, 15:54

So I have a question ... if I were to take a death jester and it destroys a model forcing my opponent to take a battleshock test and my opponent then fails said test, by my army being Faction: Druhkari and Harliquins not breaking that per ally rules ... would I gain a pain token from that failled test? The Army rules seem to allow for this and if that's the case mixing in Harliquins might fill the gap that wyches leave similar question with the voidreaver ability
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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 23 2023, 20:05

Archon_91 wrote:
So I have a question ... if I were to take a death jester and it destroys a model forcing my opponent to take a battleshock test and my opponent then fails said test, by my army being Faction: Druhkari and Harliquins not breaking that per ally rules ... would I gain a pain token from that failled test? The Army rules seem to allow for this and if that's the case mixing in Harliquins might fill the gap that wyches leave similar question with the voidreaver ability

Yes. The army rule does not state that the failed battleshock test or unit destruction has to come from any specific source.

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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 24 2023, 03:21

Awesome! I thought that was the case thank you
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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 24 2023, 10:12

Voidweavers also force battle shock tests if they hit with any ranged attack (one unit per Voidweaver). Could be useful for token generation. They also offer a decent amount of firepower in an edition where it seems shooting is king (again...).

10th ed Harliquin allies YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 24 2023, 12:54

Yes indeed you would!
I finally had my first game of 10th, and found Death Jesters to be AMAZING for Drukhari armies.

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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 24 2023, 13:29

... and now i have this horrible feeling that we as drukhari missed out on some great fluffy abilities within our own datasheets that would force batttleshock to really work with our army rule BECAUSE of the death jester and voidreaver ... almost as if we are expected to soup in Harliquins ...
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PostSubject: Re: 10th ed Harliquin allies   10th ed Harliquin allies I_icon_minitime

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