Ive been playing 40k for about 1.5-2 years and started with Tau and played that for a good 18 months, and in most recent history switched to dark eldar. I played them like tau for a while, and slowly evolved my own play style out of it. Im in the process of converting hammer heads and devil fish into ravager to fit my space pirate theme.
My kabal colors are purple, gold, ruby, and black.
In the real world, Im 20 and work at a car dealership (where im currently posting from). Im a very new age thinker, i have a fiance that i recently got pregnant and am getting married in the next few months. I have a gerbil names Chips, after the squirrel I have in the Vampire the Masq. table top, and am a member of the National Cam as well.
I live in northern Ohio, just south of cleveland in the magical township of Elyria
Our local nerd shop is small, but has out competed 3 other stores and killed a local chain nerd store so its pretty awesome. There are 70ish person magic touraments, I dont play though. Cards are boring. And there is 8 or 9 hammer tables which are almost always filled because its right down the street from the local college, so theres never a time when theres not 5-10 people in the store.
Any questions/comments/insults?