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 Eldar Comission Log

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PostSubject: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 26 2012, 16:49

So, my brother decided he wants to get back into the hobby with his Aspect heavy Biel-Tan Eldar - only problem is, he despises playing with non-painted miniatures, and he hates painting. So, what does a good younger brother do - I offer to paint his army for him as a comission Smile

So far i've only done a test mini for him, a Guardian on which i did a test-scheme for his Dire Avengers:
Eldar Comission Log
(Ignore the fact that the lower body isnt painted - and the vents on their backs wont actually be green, it was just a convenient way to show how the green bits would end up looking)

I hope to have his first 10 Dire Avengers done by the end of the coming week, and then we'll see what he wants done next - but the future will bring Wave Serpents, War Walkers, Banshees, Fire Dragons and Shining Spears to my painting table

Kabal of Anguish

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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27 2012, 17:21

Ok, first real update - i got the Avengers put together, slapped some basing material on them, and got them primed. I also made 3 Objective markers with the statues from the Avenger kit, and a small pylon from the High Elf dragon kit:

Eldar Comission Log

Kabal of Anguish

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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27 2012, 17:34

Looks good, I think, though it's a little hard to tell when it's... well, so little. But it will be interesting to see how the actual models will look.

Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Background
Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Painting Blog
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shamroll wrote:
Dang! I was hoping Tyranids followed the Pokemon naming idea. A big Carnifex running around just yelling "Carnifex! Carni-Carnifex!" followed by a squad of termagants all saying "Termagant" to each other.
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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 27 2012, 18:41

I rather like the highlight work on the gems - I may steal doing that for my statues, I'd been doing them as all carved stone/bone and the idea of adding the bling there really helps them pop.

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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 02 2012, 10:55

Eldar Comission Log

Here's the finished Dire Avenger Exarch - sorry for the slightly blurry picture, but it should show the miniature off quite well - soon, ill have the whole 10-man unit done

Kabal of Anguish

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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 02 2012, 15:24

Simple, beautifully painted scheme.

Eldar Comission Log JVMWVbU
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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 02 2012, 16:03

Thanks, though i must admit, the white is killing me - i've never been so frustrated over how hard it is to paint a certain colour before, but white... Luckily, i haven't had that many problems with it on large surfaces as i have on the small ones on infantry (weird, right?), as the only things that are gonna be in the "true" Biel Tan scheme, is gonna be the 3+ Serpents, 2-3 War Walkers, Wraithlord and Falcon

Anyways, as a reminder, the army will mainly be painted as a just-above table-top quality, nothing REALLY fancy, but still with some neat stuff mixed in (he's requesting that i try doing the thorny freehand patterns in his Serpents, for example)

Kabal of Anguish

Points painted: nearing 2k
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PostSubject: Re: Eldar Comission Log   Eldar Comission Log I_icon_minitime

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