Hi all,
Looking for some help in relation to locating some DE fluff research for a project I'm doing.
Basically, I'm looking for documented fluff that details how DE move their forces (and in particular vehicles) out of the web into real space when they are doing mass raids.
Knowing that the current rules state that the portable webway portals that some characters can have specifically DO NOT allow vehicles to enter, I am wondering:
1) Are DE forced to use existing webway portals to move their vehicles into real space and then to wherever they are attacking, or are they able to create - with enough time and resources- vehicle sized portal exits into real space of their own choosing that would allow them to enter wherever they want?
2) if they have to use existing webway portals, do DE portals 'look' much different to craft world versions? When webway portals are modeled on the table top, they look very 'wraithboney'
Really, what I'm wanting to know is if the following scenario is viable: a dark eldar force want to attack a particular target directly via the webway, including vehicles. Can DE do this even if there is no previously created 'Old One' created webway portal at the location?
Hope this is clear. I'd be really greatfull for any 'official' fluff that backs is idea up.