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 Scourges and Reavers

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PostSubject: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 04 2011, 03:26

High above in the upper levels of Commorragh lurk the Scourges, Dark Eldar who have modified their body to allow flight. Fascinated by speed are the Reavers, jetbiker riders consumed by the act of the maximum-impact kill. Show your warriors of the spires.

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Rumour Scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 07 2011, 04:48

My first squad of Scourges, just prior to the release of the real thing, with slightly-cropped Gargoyle wings and snare chains and trophy skulls hanging off their wings. The Heat Lances are half Dissie and half Reaver Heat Lance. The Haywire Blasters are re-profiled Shredders with lengthened barrels.

NB - better pics will follow in not-too-distant future.

Scourges and Reavers Scourges1

Scourges and Reavers Scourges2

Scourges and Reavers Scourges3

Scourges and Reavers Scourges5

Scourges and Reavers Scourges4

Scourges and Reavers Zi5RD0X

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 07 2011, 19:38

Scourges largely converted from raider hangers on.

Scourges and Reavers DSCF7886
Scourges and Reavers DSCF7880
Scourges and Reavers DSCF7887
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The Strange Dude
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 14 2011, 16:50

Scourges of the Kabal of the poisoned thorn

Scourges and Reavers 001-17

Scourges and Reavers Mbr_banner
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 18 2011, 09:37

Scourges and Reavers 07413
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 24 2011, 05:38

Solarite from the Kabal of the Frozen Fangs. This model was commissioned by Lest Bursley. This is a Drow themed army. The arms are magnetized by Van Hammer for weapon swaps.Scourges and Reavers DSC00081copyScourges and Reavers DSC00084copy
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Court of Cruelty

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20 2011, 10:34

Scourges of the Shadow Phoenix:
Scourges and Reavers L1170110
Scourges and Reavers L1170111
Scourges and Reavers L1170112

Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Background
Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Painting Blog
Modelled: 2753 pts
Painted: 2263pts

shamroll wrote:
Dang! I was hoping Tyranids followed the Pokemon naming idea. A big Carnifex running around just yelling "Carnifex! Carni-Carnifex!" followed by a squad of termagants all saying "Termagant" to each other.
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Raucir Lustingclaw
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 08 2011, 01:00

A trio of Skyshark Reaver gangers:

Scourges and Reavers Sdc10911

Scourges and Reavers Dark_Vultures_by_stadt
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 08 2012, 07:10

Scourges and Reavers P1020815
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Evil Space Elves
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 22 2012, 02:39

Scourges and Reavers 2012-08-21_11-59-54_576

Scourges and Reavers JVMWVbU
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Siticus the Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 22 2012, 02:54

Scourges of the Wailing Doom corsairs

Scourges and Reavers IMG_6603
Scourges and Reavers IMG_6605

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21 2012, 22:45

Currently I only have classic Reavers. The models aren't quite as sexy as the new version, but they don't look ridiculously out of place amongst the new stuff.

Scourges and Reavers 6802474767_203610460c_z
Back in the old days, when a Dracon was an HQ choice (and could ride a jetbike), this fellow led the very first realspace raids undertaken by my Bloodspray Kabal. Unfortunately he is now relegated to being a mere Arena Champion Sad

Scourges and Reavers 6802471915_e9f4434987_z
Scourges and Reavers 6802470827_5da585b1be_z
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 12:42

my scourges and reavers both old and new

archon on a jet bike when we could do that
Scourges and Reavers Arcon

Scourges and Reavers Scourge

Last edited by darthken239 on Tue May 07 2013, 14:41; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 21:42

Scourges and Reavers 21314_10152053937562715_404531691_n
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 21:42

Scourges and Reavers 923509_10152053939087715_1295880512_n
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 25 2013, 21:43

Scourges and Reavers 554702_10152053938267715_2008078556_n
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Court of Cruelty

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26 2013, 10:05

Remembered I had an additional Scourge; Tengu!
Scourges and Reavers Tengu1
Scourges and Reavers Tengu2
Scourges and Reavers Tengu3

Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Background
Kabal of the Shadow Phoenix - Painting Blog
Modelled: 2753 pts
Painted: 2263pts

shamroll wrote:
Dang! I was hoping Tyranids followed the Pokemon naming idea. A big Carnifex running around just yelling "Carnifex! Carni-Carnifex!" followed by a squad of termagants all saying "Termagant" to each other.
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 30 2013, 15:23

More classic Reavers: 3 converted with blasters, 3 converted with heatlances and kitbashed Arena Champion.
Scourges and Reavers 8513850600_30240f9eac  Scourges and Reavers 8485765596_3214ed7735  Scourges and Reavers 8465465593_b5a0e8238e

Scourges and Reavers Tdcawardssigbestoverall
Back from a long journey in realspace...

Project Log: Kabal of the Bloodspray Corsairs
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 10 2015, 19:56

Scourge I just finished painting today.

Scourges and Reavers 6tL5tPF
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Creeping Darkness
Creeping Darkness

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 09 2015, 12:17

One of my scourges (due to be retrofit with a haywire blaster when I pluck up the bitz and the gumption)

Scourges and Reavers Blaste10

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Scourges and Reavers Malys_10
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 17 2015, 11:40


Scourges and Reavers Scourge%201_zpss9cudecc
Scourges and Reavers Scourge%202_zps1jd11nsp


Scourges and Reavers Reaverlord1_zpsde5b1153
Scourges and Reavers Reavers2_zps0ae31a17
Scourges and Reavers Reavers1_zps8c884976

Kabal of the Eternal NightModelling Blog
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 13 2015, 17:51

My First Scourge (Kabal of the Last Hatred)

url=]Scourges and Reavers 20151112[/url]
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29 2016, 00:16

Scourges and Reavers Wp_20113
Scourges and Reavers Wp_20112
Scourges and Reavers Wp_20114

Archon Valcron Dextrous - Kabal of the Blood Shedders
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 23 2017, 21:49

I give you:
The Bearers Of Bad News.
Scourges and Reavers 7YQ4rNd

The Solarite:
Scourges and Reavers PgQPDbw
Scourges and Reavers 9Kw8Dsf
Scourges and Reavers 3X2Ix4R
Scourges and Reavers GVfqmFw
Scourges and Reavers B7ZyYEJ

The challenger:
Scourges and Reavers S4Szp70
Scourges and Reavers Sl75vbm
Scourges and Reavers M1fIC5Z
Scourges and Reavers 3KYS9Fp

Red Bull gave him wings:
Scourges and Reavers LICB3LH
Scourges and Reavers JYHk3Cl

innocent(?) bystanders:
Scourges and Reavers 54R78Cj
Scourges and Reavers TpDwXXH

Scourges and Reavers 8dKuOhX
Scourges and Reavers ZXzWubb

Scourges and Reavers EqSc4is
Scourges and Reavers SycXVu2

Scourges and Reavers Ey5Ln6V
Scourges and Reavers HJN4enf

Archon of the Kabal of the Burning Misery
Thanks for making the Djinn Blade great for once Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 26 2020, 15:20

My Scourges are from different times and painters ... the golden boys are painted by myself pretty much after the release of the new miniatures Smile

Scourges and Reavers Img_2010

Those are from a squad I bought second hand ... not as shiny, but as effective Smile

Scourges and Reavers Img_2012

Alone ... I feel alone when I'm living in a building like a tooth in heaven's throat
True, it's a beautiful view, but you know they're gonna set it on fire
When they feel like something new
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PostSubject: Re: Scourges and Reavers   Scourges and Reavers I_icon_minitime

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