Been chatting awhile with some of the members in Realspace Chat and deiced to finally introduce myself.
My name is Ryan, I've been playing DE since 3rd. I quit playing after I moved from my home town to a city dominated by TCGs, I started playing again back in October of 2012 and have made a great comeback I'm currently 11-6 at the local hobby shop and the only DE player in town that has a positive ranking.
I'm currently working on finishing my Apoc army with Chaos Marines as my allied force. I had been using Eldar and I don't own any personally and with the Dark Vengeance box I already have a start on the Chaos part. I originally wasn't planning to play DE when I bought the box, I had intended to play Dark Angels but after my mom had found all my vintage DE models and sent them to me, I dove back into what I knew best.