So, ended up with 2 minor wins and a major loss.
Game one was paired with foot orks vs a SM biker list and chaos on foot. No fliers on either side.
5 Objectives, Dawn of War.
Archon dies on turn one in a challenge with a relic bladed captain. First save; a one. Of course.
Minor Victory here.
Game Two was paired with a very new, young player with space marines vs tau and space wolves.
Kill Points, Spearhead.
We barely win, tabling the space wolves, me ending with a ravager on the board, and my parner losing nothing. Literally... Nothing.
Game three with another DE player... who brought a tantalus to a 1000 tourney. Vs drop pod space wolves and 2 vendetta, valkyrie and a vulture IG.
Turn 5 game ends with them claiming 2 obj of 3, with us haivng none; had one more turn occured, we likely would have won.
Oh well.
Fun day all around, so a good day.