So I've got a 1500 tournament coming up in a few weeks, and this is the list I've been testing out recently, and its done fairly well so far. Its an all comers list with a mix of cc and shooting.
Haemonculus with venom blade, liquifier, shattershard- 80
Haemonculus with scissorhand, liquifier, animus vitae- 80
10 wyches in raider with Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix with Agoniser- 200
10 wyches in raider with Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix with Agoniser- 200
9 wracks in raider with liquifier- 160
9 wracks in raider with liquifier-160
5 warriors in venom with blaster- 125
5 warriors in venom with blaster-125
3 Trueborn with 2 Splinter Canons-56
Heavy Support
Razorwing with Dark Lances, Monoscythe Missiles, Splinter Canon-155
Razorwing with Dark Lances, Monoscythe Missiles, Splinter Canon-155
Total: 1496
Basically, the idea of the list is that the venoms and the trueborn squad sit back for the first few turns and blast away with as many splinter shots as possible while the wrack and wych raiders start on the flanks. I generally want to let my opponent have the first turn, so I can deploy in counter to them and then get my shooting in range of their big units, with the priority being deathstar units, terminators, Ork Nobs, etc. Once one or more of the razorwings get in from reserve, and my opponent has moved up a bit, the raiders move up the flanks, troops pile out, and basically cut through everything in their way. I'll usually aim the missiles at big hordes (ork mobs, gaunts) and then finish them off with the wyches and wracks. In the case of armies that don't move up towards me, I stick to cover as much as possible and go for an assault in turn 2 or 3. The only problem is that in kill points missions I either table my opponent or lose horribly, but that tends to be a problem that just about any DE list with lots of transports has. It is also quite light on anti-veicle weapons, but I see very little mech in my area atm, so I think I shouldn't have a problem with that