Hello citizens of the Dark City! I am looking into starting Dark Eldar. I have around 500 points right now, but I want to eventually hit that sweet spot at 2k. So I wrote this list up and I would greatly appreciate some feedback from those who have been spreading the ways of pain in the world of 40k!
Haemonculus w/ Venom Blade in a 10x Harlequin Troupe + Shadowseer
3x Kabalite Trueborn w/ 2x Splinter Cannon in a Venom w/ 2nd Splinter Cannon
3x Kabalite Trueborn w/ 2x Splinter Cannon in a Venom w/ 2nd Splinter Cannon
Scourges x10 -
- 4x Heat Lance
Scourges x10 -
- 4x Heat Lance
Scourges x5 -
- 2x Heat Lance
10x Kabalite Warriors in a Raider
10x Kabalite Warriors in a Raider
5x Wracks in a Venom w/ 2nd Splinter Cannon
Razorwing Jetfighter
- Flickerfield - 4x Monoscythe Missile
Razorwing Jetfighter
- Flickerfield - 4x Monoscythe Missile
I have 60 points left and I'm not sure what to do with them. So, the Harly Death Star is to counter attack assaulting units. Scourges are for vehicle killing and any other job I need doing. Two Splinter Venoms with Splinter Cannon Trueborn to overwhelm/ finish off any non-vehicle threats. Jetfighters to help pop vehicles or kill fmcs/ flyers. All Dark Lances on Vehicles are easily interchangeable to disintegrators for marine killing. Keep in mind I play alot against Dark Angels, IG Chimera Spam, Eldar, and Tau. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!