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 Cheap Archon retinue builds

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PostSubject: Cheap Archon retinue builds   Cheap Archon retinue builds I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12 2013, 14:04

Hi all, I thought I'd share my thoughts on some load-outs for small, cheap units to accompany a souped-up Archon so he can get into combat. I'm primarily looking at units that can fit into Venoms for the following reasons:

- They are small so can hide from enemy fire better
- Already come with FF for added survivability
- They keep the unit small and so avoid getting into Death-Star point values.

The Archon build:
SF, PGL, HB, VB, CD, ST, HWG - 180pts

The Retinues: (ascending order of cost)

- 4 Wracks, Acothyst w/VB, Venom w/2xSC - 120pts
- Very Cheap build, makes total unit 300pts, potentially a scoring unit, gives FNP, no fleet, quite weak.

- 4 Bloodbrides, Syren w/VB, HWG, Venom w/2xSC - 140pts
- Can fleet, can hurt tanks, vulnerable to exploding Venom, vulnerable to OW.

- 3 Wracks, Haemonculi w/LFG + VB, Venom w/2xSC - 160pts
- Starts with FC, (potentially fearless as well if CD roll is a 6), potentially scoring, no fleet, no AT, fairly weak.

- 4 Incubi, Klaivex, Venom w/2xSC - 168pts
- Can kill armoured units, Klaivex likely to win challenges against Sergies, has fleet, more survivable, high target priority, slightly costly, no AT.

- 3 Bloodbrides, Syren w/VB, HWG, Haemonculi w/LFG, Venom w/2xSC - 185pts
- Can fleet, can hurt tanks, has FNP + potential for FC if CD roll is 6, less vulnerable to exploding Venom, Overwatch can be averted with Haemonculi.

- 3 Incubi, Klaivex, Haemonculi w/LFG, Venom w/2xSC - 206pts
- Can kill armoured units, Klaivex likely to win challenges against Sergies, has fleet (when Haemon departs), more survivable especially with FNP, high target priority, costly, no AT.

So we have three units that can fit in a Venom with an Archon and each of these can swap one model for a Haemonculi to give an extra PT to the unit and for drawing OW fire. All the units have a least one model who can accept challenges. Two in the case of Haemonculi who stay with the unit.

What are your thoughts on these builds? Also, the same builds go can work as an accompaniment to Lelith (basically same points as Archon) and Asdrubael Vect (if you're playing larger games).
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Cheap Archon retinue builds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cheap Archon retinue builds   Cheap Archon retinue builds I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12 2013, 18:04

I personally use 4 Wracks for that job, don't have any Incubi at present, so they are the only dedicated CC unit I can bring, better at least, and cheaper, than 4 Trueborn with CC weapon swaps.
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PostSubject: Re: Cheap Archon retinue builds   Cheap Archon retinue builds I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 12 2013, 18:31

3 grots with a bare bones raider is only 160, will give the archon toughness 5 until the squad dies very tough unit Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Cheap Archon retinue builds   Cheap Archon retinue builds I_icon_minitime

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