So, I was always intending to play a coven style list and since seeing Skari's path of the carnivale thread I'm inspired to give it another go. I am using a list with no fliers or AA for the simple reason that there is a group at my local club who sometimes agree to use no fliers in our games. I have a game against Tau on Monday night for the first time in 6th, and first time with my DE. Hoping Skari himself, and a few others of you will give me your opinions. Also, maybe give me ideas on what I should think about dropping/changing to squeeze one or both of my Razorwings in there.
HQ) Urien Rakarth.190
Elites A) 3 Grotesques,Master Haemonculus upgrade,Liquifier Gun. 130. [Raider, nightshields, grisly trophies.75]
Elites B) 5 Trueborn, 4xBlasters,shardcarbine.125.[Venom,splintercannon.65]
Troops A) 10 Wracks,2x Liquifiers.120. [Raider,nightshields, grisly trophies. 75]
Troops B) 5 Wracks,Liquifier Gun.60.[Venom, splintercannon.65]
Troops C) 10 Warriors, splintercannon.100.[Raider.nightshields,splinterracks.80]
Troops D) 10 Warriors, splintercannon.100.[Raider.nightshields.splinterracks.80]
Fast Attack) 10 Scourges,4xHaywire Blasters.260
Heavy A) Talos Pain Engine,Twin-linked Liquifier,Twin-linked Haywire blaster.110
Heavy B) Cronos Parasite Engine. Spirit Probe, Spirit Vortex.110
I look forward to seeing what you all think.