Modded - Everyone please note that the service provider for this forum has installed a new editor with no advance notice. There are significant differences in the options when making new posts, and also when editing existing ones. It has also affected the look and feel of our forum in some ways.
It is a beta version, which is still being tweaked by ForumMotion. Ourselves, and many other forums using this service, are trying to find our own solutions for the many issues.
At the moment, it is as frustrating for the admins and mods as it is for our regular members. Thank you for your patience.
Nice job implementing the sceditor! I bet all the new functions will come in handy. BUT! It is too bright and white and breaks the theme imo. Is it possible to change around the colors and do the dark grey background and white fonts?
Edit before posting: Highlight/mark below
I believe you have to change the colors and the fonts on the editor. The default colors on the editor is black fonts and white background, opposite of the forum. Posting this means invisible posts!