Fellow 40k enthusiasts,
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Give your depraved selves a real pat on the back for making The Dark City undoubtedly the best 40k blog around.
A quick intro: Having played 40k and Fantasy for about 15 years, I decided it was time for a "final" project. Final is put in quotes because I've probably said that more times than I can count... I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Anyways, I ended up here. I like making armies that are really distinct and backed by lots of fluff, so for my final army, I decided to go out on a little bit of a limb...
Shaa-Dom. If you don't know the fluff, it was basically the Webway city of a rival Archon to Asdrubael Vect. Vect deals with the problem by... flying a massive ship into the city. Classic Vect. Anyways, after Vect flies his ship into the city, warp portals begin to open up all over the place.
Here is where Vespax comes in. An up-and-coming Archon (Vespax) stumbles upon the ruins. Now, this Archon is opulent and greedy to the max, and he's on the hunt for power. When he and his Kabal enter the ruins of Shaa-Dom, Slaanesh greets the Archon and offers him a deal: lend your souls to Slaanesh, and you will be granted dark and ultimate power. Vespax, though deathly frightened by She Who Thirsts, cannot resist the pull of his own greed, and so accepts the deal, selling his and his Kabal's souls to the Dark Prince.
It could be farfetched, but I can't resist slapping down a pink and black (yes, à la Emperor's Children CSM) Dark Eldar army that runs alongside a small allied force of Slaaneshi Daemons.
Anyways, that's what I'm planning for my last project. I'm just glad this forum is so full of helpful people, as I've already gotten some great comments on my tentative first army lists on my post here: http://www.thedarkcity.net/t7287-shaa-dom-army-list?highlight=Shaa+-Dom
Cheers everybody, and happy hunting,