Greetings, fellow Commorites, kindred, mon'keigh, and warp things.
1st goal: I am returning to the game and hobby after many years hiatus. I have some solid fistfuls of old range models, and not alot of cash to spend on new range models. The first goal of this thread is to log my restoration/reworking/repainting of my Dark Eldar.
2nd goal: I am part of a weekly local 40k league. I have the opportunity to play 40k with more regularity than ever before in my life. Also, the league gives me a chance to play with a degree of competitive spirit. The second goal of this thread is to track army list, battles, and tactics of my 40k career.
Traitor Guard Notice: Dark Eldar were my first love, and Lost & The Damned/Traitor Guard my second. After my brother and my friend both gave me their tanks, I have the capability to field a significant force of "counts as IG" traitors. They might sneak in here from time to time.
ON TO THE CONTENT: Magnetized raider!
Last night, since my favorite purple raider was missing her deck gun, and I have a bunch of tiny magnets lying around, I replaced it with MAGNETZ! I used a spare old range dark lance (pictured) and a new range disintegrator. Why stop there? Let's put warriors on this thing.
I can takes some pics of the magnets, but they went into one of each warrior's foot (left or right, depending on which side of the raider they're on) and one in the deck for each warrior.
This is the current league standing. I am the ugly brown badge on tier 5 left.
I'm climbing too quickly to have a legit badge. 2 league wins, no losses.
Tier 6 v tier 6 game: Purge, Hammer and Anvi, 1000pts vs Khornate CSM
Tier 6 to tier 5 game: Relic, Hammer and Anvil, 1000pts vs Gunline IG