When I tried to create a DA rooster for 1500p I was a little bit confused as I think I may have lost my ability to make marine lists
This is what I came up with. Let me know what you think (maybe I should find more ways to deal with AV14). Important note: I won't be allowed to field FW Mortis dreads.
So, without further ado, here it goes:
Librarian on bike with power field generator
5x Ravenwing Command Squad (1 GL, Apothecary)
10 Tacs, lascannon, twinlinked lascannon razorback (to be combat squadded)
10 Tacs with plasmagun, lascannon, razorback (to be combat squadded, too)
Rifleman dread
Rifleman dread
3 Typhoon Landspeeders
3 Typhoon Landspeeders
What I'm thinking right now is to split those 2x3 support squadrons into 3x2. It will be easier to hide them and will increase their flexibility, but it will also make them easier to shoot down. On the other hand, a bigger squadron makes better use of divination and gives away less kill points in certain missions.
Overall, lots and lots of missiles/plasma/hb/autocannon shots sprinkled with a few lascannons. Very short on bodies
But I guess low body count is my style of list-building.