I've always been tempted to try the court, but not so tempted that I actually would! However, one thing I would say is that it might be a better idea to take more Ur-Ghuls and let them take hits from destroyed vehicles. As vehicle destruction wounds on the majority toughness, it seems like a waste of a Sslyth if one of the toughest models in the court gets killed by something that should have had a harder time wounding it. Also, it seems to me that's sort of what the Ur-Ghul is for, hence the ability to take more of them (I think, been a while since I read the entry).
I'd say keep the Lhamaeans and Sslyth at the back, that way if the Archon gets killed you still have the good leadership of the Lhamaeans and the toughness of the Sslyth. Archon can just go somewhere in the middle. Haemonculus and Medusae probably have to go at the front if you ever want to fire your templates, as you can't place them over your own models, so bare that in mind when choosing the composition - it's all very well taking something to soak up overwatch, but if them being at the front means three models don't get to fire when they're finally close enough to, they might as well not be there at all.