I’ve had a really good success streak with my main list and subtle variations (between 1500 and 1850 points. Generally comprised of 6 warrior venoms, 3 blasterborn venoms, 3 ravagers and then a haemonculus hq and some scourges or sometimes vect at 1850.)
I want to change it up a bit and get something a little more fun.
My main idea looks something like this
Vect on the Dais of destruction (I’m not dropping the Dais, I love using it)
I usually run him with wracks for the pain token and majority toughness boost. Plus they are decent in combat. I’m open to other ideas for the mandatory 9 models though.. maybe wyches? With haywire at least they could murder vehicles when they got close. The dais helps get them in there..
I then want to run a kitted out combat Archon on the Tantalus.
I’m debating whether to take a court of the archon and the tantalus as a dedicated transport or if I should take it as a heavy support and pile in grotesques. The tantalus is fast, lots of hull points, flicker, armour 12. Vect gives me a very good chance of going first. 7 grotesques will likely be in enemy territory at the end of my turn one. They can soak damage, protect the archon and cause all sorts of hell.
Not to mention vect and his squad also getting in dirty.
I really like this idea for the 2 monster HQs.
Past that is the question. Do I take three ravagers? (depends how I take the tantalus)
Maybe no ravagers and take 2 void ravens?
Maybe even 2 talos?
What if I took 2 combat HQs who go first, rush up and break face, and then 2 talos?
The talos might be a little more secure if those two deathstars are the main focus.
How many venoms?
Maybe take raiders for dark lances and load with wyches? Seems unreliable though. I could still take 4 or 5 venoms.
If I went the talos route, what if I took a beast squad? That’s so much crazy combat… no space for the baron though…
Help give me ideas for 1850! I’m adamant on the dais with vect and the tantalus with the archon. I know it may not be the most efficient but I like it.
What else to do though??