hey hey, i'm trying to put together a lean list that can take on anything lemme know what you think
Kabal of the frozen ... (working on a last name
.. fire?) 1847pts
+ HQ + (65pts)
* Haemonculus, Hexrifle (65pts)
+ Elites + (403pts)
* 2x 3x TB, 2x Cannon, Raider(DL, NS) (252pts)
* 3x TB, 3x Blaster, Raider(DL, NS) (151pts)
+ Troops + (590pts)
* 5x Warriors, 1x Blaster, Venom(FF,extra cannon) (125pts)
* 2x 10x Warriors, 1x Cannon, Raider(DL, NS) (340pts)
* 2x Wracks+Acothyst/Hexrifle, Venom(FF, GT, extra cannon) (125pts)
+ Fast Attack + (474pts)
* 3x Beastmaster, 8x Khymera, 2x Razorwings (162pts)
* 2x 6x Reaver Jetbikes 2xheat lances (312pts)
+ Heavy Support + (315pts)
* 2x Ravagers 3xlance
* 1x Ravager 3xDissy
lance count is 18, making roughly 1 per 100pts. 10 cannons and the jummy dissy Ravager
im thinking about giving haemy's token to the beastmasters and then running him with the wracks on some far off objective, sniping away. That way the beastmasters are two tokens away from fearless.(might be a longshot)
other than that the main plan is just having the beastmasters as a meat shield and distraction unit, they will be hitting last most of the time if they make it to combat when attacking units in cover. The price of hitting 1st would be to skip the wracks and haemy and adding the baron but is it worth it ?
the two ten man warriors sit back somewhere near the wracks/haemy while the rest is mobile.
most transports will be empty, except maybe the trueborn's will make use of nightshields on their raiders and close in on valuable targets
not a huge fan of the razorwing or voidraven so the lances will have to do vs air
changes to the list might be something like swapping the 5xwarriors for wyches, 1 ravager for talos or 1 ravager for a flyer
also looking forward to testing the 2 hexrifles squad out / what can replace them ?