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 1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts

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1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Empty
PostSubject: 1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts   1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 03 2013, 20:20

Hi guys. This is my first battle report so please be patient Very Happy
C&C are very Welcome

I was facing 1500pts of White Scars:

Command squad – 4x Grav and Apothecary
Librarian on a Bike – Mential Fortitude and Hallucination
2x 5Bikers, with 2 Gravs
2x 5Bikers with 2 Meltas
2x 5 man Damned Legion squads with melta, multimelta and combimelta
Heavy Support
2x Thunderfire Cannon

My Army:

Succubus with HWG & Venom Blade
3 Trueborns, 3xBlaster  in Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons & Night Shields
5 Trueborns, 2xSplinter Cannon  in Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons & Night Shields
4x 5 Kabalite Warriors with Blaster in Venom with Dual Splinter Cannons & Night Shields
8 Wyches with HWG led by Hekatrix with VB in Raider with Night Shields
Heavy Support
2x Ravager with Night Shields
Razorwing Jetfighter with Flicker Field

Mission: Big Guns Never Tire (5 Objectives)
Deployment: Hammer And Anvil
Night Fighting: Not active first turn
My Warlord Trait: Re-roll reserves
Drugs: +1 WS
First turn: Marines, didn’t seize

1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Iyht
I’ve deployed my forces so, that I won’t be in melta range

Scout Moves:
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Yl0q

1 turn – WS
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Kd8e
He was trying to shoot but was able only to take 3 HP from some Venoms. No first blood yet.

1 turn – DE
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Wu6c
I pretty much just moved everything to gain jink. One Venom moved far forward to kill those Thundercannons. I was trying to gain first blood, but killed only few Marines and put 2 Wounds on Khan – failed 2 Look outs!

2 turn – WS
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Dnnl
Both Damned Legions got in.
After this turn I was a bit frightened. He killed both of my Ravagers. Khan’s unit wrecked the Venom on the top and killed it’s crew. Wrecked another Venom, crew was fine. Put Immobilise and Weapon Destroyed on Wyches’ Raider. BUT failed to kill my “Charging Venom”

2 turn – DE
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts 1oqt
Razorwing is in.
My flyer with blasterborns help killed Khan, Libra and Command Squad leaving only Apothecary. Wyches destroyed one Biker squad, Splinteborns destroyed another. One Venom moved forward to help in killing Thunderfires. One of them was killed by Venom, another lost one Wound under it’s crew fire.

3 turn – WS
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Zlg
He killed some Wyches, failed to destroy my brave Venom, destroyed Blasterborns’ Venom and annihilated one of my Kabalites unit.

3 turn – DE
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Ms8o
Top left Venom’s crew disembarked to get the objective. Splinterborns disembarked to make place for the Wyches runnin towards objective. Both Thundercannons squads died under fire ov 2 Venoms, one Kabalites Team and Razorwing. Killed some marines more, forcing last bikers unit to Fall Back and killed the apothecary.

4 turn – WS
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts 6wjp
Last Bikers squad was trying to chase my Kabalites but didn’t kill anyone. Bottom Legion squad killed one Splinterborn and the top one wrecked my Venom.

4 turn – DE
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Brm8
Razorwing leaved the battle. Venoms with Kabalite’s help killed his last scoring unit. Wyches moved to the objective. Splinetrborns killed one Damned Marine.

5 turn – WS
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts X15w
Killed one more Trueborn and failed to damage my Wyches.

5 turn – DE
1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Tklu
Razorwing came back. Annihilated bottom Legion squad. The game has ended.

DE 13 (3 Objectives, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, Killed two Heavy Support units)
WS 4 (Linebreaker, First Blood, Killed two Heavy Support units)
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1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts   1st Batrep - vs White Scars - 1500pts I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 04 2013, 11:16

Great use of mobility there, I like how you sent the two venoms to clear his backfield and secure his home objectives. I think his biggest mistake was charging forward in a line, as it prevented him from focusing his fire on one target at a time and allowed you to apply local superiority on the flank of his formation.

Thanks for sharing the pain (added to the sticky). Smile

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