Good evening to all,
I am a veteran of playing Inquisitor at 54mm, but at that scale the slow death has almost been completed (however a very healthy 28mm community thrives), and with this waning I have decided to finally interest myself in 28mm 40k and my two favourite fluff based armies: Eldar and of course Dark Eldar.
I've already got myself a sizeable amount of models through militant ebaying... so will be posting them up soon (including a *cough* shoddy *cough* tantalus conversion from some of the old raiders and some 1990's warhammer fantasy manticore wings...)
I am entirely new to the rules and have never played a game in my life so if there are any players in and around Bristol UK then I would be very keen to meet up for a pint and a game.
Pleasure to be here and have thoroughly enjoyed all the magnificent threads I've read so far.
Hope to hear from some of you soon