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 2k against Tau

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Location : Hood Canal area

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PostSubject: 2k against Tau   2k against Tau I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 07 2014, 16:05

So, a couple of buddies and I are playing a long campaign game, with default points for each game being at 2k. It's a bit complex, but that's just to determine which two of the three of us get's to play the next game.
This week is my turn against my buddies Tau/Eldar list. (We know they are not battle bros anymore, but they are still allies of convenience)

As a bonus, the campaign allows for us to use three named characters on the map, and this week I get to use Drazhar, and he is a free model.

9 Incubi sub Klaivex w/demiklaives
Raider Flickerfield, dis. cannon

4 Kabalite Trueborn 4 blasters
Venom w/dual Splinter Cannon

Ravager w/Flickerfield & Dis. Cannons
Ravager w/Flickerfield

5 Kwars
Venom w/dual SC

5 Wyches w/hwg
Venom w/dual SC, Retrofire Jets

9 Reavers w/3 cluster caltrops
10 Hellions

1997/2000 points

So, any suggestions? My thought is that Drazhar and his inkies can flat out turn one, benefit from a 4+ jink, and be in a nice spot to disembark and start the beat stick by turn two. The blaster born will do nicely against tanks, and a riptide, crisis team, or broadsides. The ravagers are there for the same reason. The wyches will deepstrike to line up against the hammerhead, and the reavers, hellions, and kwar boats are there to put all kinds of poison shots into firewarriors, pathfinders, and anything else with a toughness value.

His list will most likely be a riptide, 4 broadsides, 2 pathfinder squads, 2 firewarrior squads, a crisis commander with bodyguards, an avatar, squad of guardians, and a squad of dark reapers, at least that is my guess.
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PostSubject: Re: 2k against Tau   2k against Tau I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 08 2014, 02:20

I'd swap out Drazhar for an Archon w/ husk blade, shadow field, soul trap, and combat drugs. Then use the 85 points you saved to get 3 more reavers with cluster caltrops so that you have 2 units of 6, each with 2 clusters.

While Drazhar is fluffy and generally awesome-sounding, he's overpriced and doesn't give incubi what they desperately need: Grenades. The archon does fill this need, improving the incubi, and will likely perform just as well as Drazhar over the course of a game. If dropping Drazhar, I'd also drop the demiklaives from your Klaivex and instead give him onslaught to further improve the rest of the incubi.
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Location : Hood Canal area

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PostSubject: Re: 2k against Tau   2k against Tau I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 08 2014, 06:41

As part of this campaign, Drazhar is free for this battle
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PostSubject: Re: 2k against Tau   2k against Tau I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 08 2014, 13:35

BetrayTheWorld wrote:
I'd swap out Drazhar for an Archon w/ husk blade, shadow field, soul trap, and combat drugs.

When pairing him with incubi, a PGL is almost a must have...
Or could all incubi use the plasma grenades from the archon?

When I'm good, I'm very, very good. But when I'm bad I'm better.
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PostSubject: Re: 2k against Tau   2k against Tau I_icon_minitime

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