I know this not DE but I'm staring a new project and will uodate with pics as I go along.
==Da Bad Moon Snakebite Alliance==
Bad Moon Megaboss, Da Finkin Cap, Bosspole 115
Snakebite Boss, Lucky Stikk, PK, Bosspole, Bike 140
Big Mek, Killsaw, KFF, Bike 140
Painboy, Bike 75
10 Boar Bikers, Nob, PK 195
6 Meganobz, Kombi-scorcha 245
2x 15 Grots, Runtherd 100
16 Grots, Runtherder 53
15 Boyz, Rokkit Launcha, Nob, PK, Bosspole 135
Battlewagon, killkannon, Deff Rolla 140
3 Mek Gunz, Traktor Kannon, 3 Ammo Runts 99
3 Mek Gunz, Lobbas, 3 Ammo Runts 63
So I'm mounting everything on boars and scrstch building some fanatsy/snakebite looking mek gunz.