Just a WIP of the wychs cobblestone. It is a labor of love, lots of work went into gluing those wychs to the bases and getting the cobblestone to level under their feet. Wychs come with the dreaded slot base and the feet are too small to effectively pin. But each wych is hard connected to the base with a plastic on plastic connection. It looks good and it's going to look better painted. The rectangle that glues into the slot in the base is basically the same height as this thin slab of balsa wood that I have which helped. I had to clip the plastic rectangle right to where the tip of each foot ended and then glue that on top of the part that I clipped off. You can tell now but i'm pretty sure that all of the fine sand, rubble and static grass will effectively hide the seams. It is ok that the balsa wood is broken along the edges because it just adds a destructed look. I'm kind of going for the vibe that they are raiding a really old hidden fortress-monastery. I've got more fluff for the wychs but lets save that for later, during painting.