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 Cults and the Reaper

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PostSubject: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11 2018, 21:47

I am doing a Wych Cult force and noticed that the only heavy option outside of the Tantalus is the Reaper. So, I don't really have a problem going without anything heavy but wanted some advice as to the Reaper's value or whether I am better off going with Scourges or similar. Also any issues with the model itself as Forgeworld stuff can be high maintenance?

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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 02:50

Reapers are basically a few add on bits to a basic raider model.  

Specifically, a sail, a cannon thingy that goes in the middle of the raider, a barrel that replaces the prow and some extensions for the rear sides.   Probably one of the easiest vehicle kits FW has - I own 2 reapers.  And I say this as someone who refuses to buy any more forgeworld until they finally see the light and go plastic.

I can’t answer the utility question yet.  I finally got my new codex today and haven’t had a chance to play the new book yet.

Kabal of the Green Hair
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 19:24

Schmitt wrote:
I am doing a Wych Cult force and noticed that the only heavy option outside of the Tantalus is the Reaper.  So, I don't really have a problem going without anything heavy but wanted some advice as to the Reaper's value or whether I am better off going with Scourges or similar.  Also any issues with the model itself as Forgeworld stuff can be high maintenance?


Before Codex, Reapers were better. The average number of shots generated would be 3.5 which rounds to 4. The enhanced toughness and melee attack is also good as well as the different types of beam you can fire. It was also I believe the same price or one PL higher.

After codex, a Reaper costs as much as a flyer and I am unsure if the bang is worth the buck in that instance. I for one am replacing my reapers with Scourges as it's cheaper and giving my cult more planes. Oh, and a Tantalus. That thing is expensive but it's such money.

...Also forgeworld kits are a nightmare. I got reaper kits and a Tantalus from them and they aren't even fully assembled, I'm 100% sure I could have gotten a recast and it would have been better quality.

" Your suffering will be legendary. It will make the dead, long forgotten in our dear Commorragh, rattle in their graves as your agony touches them even from the beyond. I will record each scream, each gurgle, each cry and it will be my sweetest lullaby. The tears you spill will be collected and I will savor them like fine drink for years to come. The blood you spill will be used to feed my house-plants, and your flesh I will feed to the Razorwing flocks. Your bones I will keep and fashion into my clothes like a medal awarded for reaching the highest plateau of torture. You will never steal my sandwych again!"
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 19:29

Ok, thanks both. It seems like Scourges are a better least they can be assembled...
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 19:35

Scourges are the cheapest AT we have. If you play PL it's kinda obsecene. But, yes, forgeworld is a nightmare. They sent me a sail that's flimsy and the hull is crooked and...honestly,I'm just angry talking about it.

Still, I'll build that darn thing out of spite.

" Your suffering will be legendary. It will make the dead, long forgotten in our dear Commorragh, rattle in their graves as your agony touches them even from the beyond. I will record each scream, each gurgle, each cry and it will be my sweetest lullaby. The tears you spill will be collected and I will savor them like fine drink for years to come. The blood you spill will be used to feed my house-plants, and your flesh I will feed to the Razorwing flocks. Your bones I will keep and fashion into my clothes like a medal awarded for reaching the highest plateau of torture. You will never steal my sandwych again!"
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 20:37

I hear you. I bought a Tantalus and won't be going back to FW for now. Not a straight line on that model. Too bad as it looks kick as otherwise.
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 20:42

I know, right?

I wish GW would just ask them to make plastic. It's really sad, I've gotten recast models before, both on accident and on purpose for kit-bashing, and I'll say I got higher quality with a recast then the actual Tantalus.

Ah well, I'll get it assembled, may not use the sail, but the sail is so neat...

" Your suffering will be legendary. It will make the dead, long forgotten in our dear Commorragh, rattle in their graves as your agony touches them even from the beyond. I will record each scream, each gurgle, each cry and it will be my sweetest lullaby. The tears you spill will be collected and I will savor them like fine drink for years to come. The blood you spill will be used to feed my house-plants, and your flesh I will feed to the Razorwing flocks. Your bones I will keep and fashion into my clothes like a medal awarded for reaching the highest plateau of torture. You will never steal my sandwych again!"
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 21:15

Maybe you could kitbash with some Imperial stuff and cover up the gaps in the Reaver with bolt plates from some IG piece. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13 2018, 21:22

Ahahahaahaha~ I could try, I didn't get any bubbles to be fair, I just got horrendous sails and a bent hull.

Ah well~

" Your suffering will be legendary. It will make the dead, long forgotten in our dear Commorragh, rattle in their graves as your agony touches them even from the beyond. I will record each scream, each gurgle, each cry and it will be my sweetest lullaby. The tears you spill will be collected and I will savor them like fine drink for years to come. The blood you spill will be used to feed my house-plants, and your flesh I will feed to the Razorwing flocks. Your bones I will keep and fashion into my clothes like a medal awarded for reaching the highest plateau of torture. You will never steal my sandwych again!"
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PostSubject: Re: Cults and the Reaper   Cults and the Reaper I_icon_minitime

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