My brother and I have a team tournament coming up in November. We each get 1250 pts, so the total is 2500. For most part it follows the normal force org with some differences. We can only take two choices from the elites, fast attack, and heavy support sections. However, one of us can take an extra one unit from these sections. So we could have a total of 5 from heavy support. My brother plays the craft world elder and I play the true kin. Our tactic is a deep striking beta offense on turn two. The goal is to go 2nd so when the enemy fires back on my troops they will have the+5 FNP in turn 3. We are going to deploy the three wave serpents and the wraithknight turn one. (I might talk to him about putting holofields on the WS if people think they are necessary.) These units will hang tight and take any openings that come there way for the first two turns but mainly they are there to survive until the rest of the army shows up. I believe these units will be tough enough to last two turns. The rest of the units will be either deepstriking or outflanking. The autrach is going to deploy with my archon’s raider. With the autrach’s ability, hopefully most of the stuff will arrive turn two to start mowing everything down. Just looking for any thoughts or feeback. Both of our lists come at 1250 exactly. Thanks
Webway Portal
Shadow Field
Court of Archon
Medusae x2
Sslyth x6
Dark Lance
Splinter Racks
Night Shields
KW x 5
KW x 5
KW x 5
KW x 5
Haywire Blasters x4
Haywire Blasters x4
Dark Lances
Monoscythe Missiles x4
Banshee mask
fusion gun
Shard of Anaris
Dire Avenger x5
Wave Serpent
Scatter Lasers
Dire Avenger x5
Wave Serpent
Scatter Lasers
Dire Avenger x5
Wave Serpent
Scatter Lasers
Warp Spiders x5
Warp Spiders x5
War Walker x 2
Scatter laser x2
Starcannon x2