Archon Fleet, night vision, PfP
plasma grenades, blaster
Venom Splintercannon X2
Lhamean X2 FnP, Fleet, Night vision
venomblade, Splinter pistol
Kabalite warrior X10 Fleet, night vision, PNP
Splinter cannon, Splinter rifle X9
Splinter cannon
Raider Dark lance
Splinter racks
Night Shields
^^^^^^^^^^^^ This times 4
Trueborn X5 Fleet, night vision, PNP
Blaster X4, Darklance
Blaster X4
Venom Splintercannon X2
^^^^^^^^^^^ this times 3
Sorry for formatting i ripped it straight off my list which i have setup as a cheatsheet with the point totals and stats on it .
So i built this in response to a friend of mine saying that the buildings on the board he built didnt block line of sight.
I also had this put together for back when sliscus was around just updated for this edition.
Its very simple it has the same weakness that our army has as a whole, but the movement and alphastrike were useful.
Im adding a mini battle rep: turn one i have first, all raiders move and open up on a chaos predator popping it, then all passengers unload on 2 chaos spacemarine squads in cover killing all
I eat a turn of relic predator fire (made 2 raiders and 1 venom jink) and a chaos landraider pops one of my raiders and his termies charge the squad that fell out of their raider
Turn 2 10 trueborn fire at landraider 1 pen EXPLODES! 5 trueborn fire at relic preadtor 1 pen 1 glance EXPLODES!, all gunfire opens up on termies (who ate my squad of warriors) 5 are left
His turn deepstrikes in squad i dont remember name mishaps 2 i place this assault squad on the otherside of map in my corner, he concedes.
185 points lost