Thanks for commenting guys. I can't change my list as they are presubmitted.
I'm hoping to get 4+ fnp or T6 for the grots that'll help them survive longer.
I'll think on that reserving Venoms thing. I usually don't reserve anything. And my list isn't able to almost full reserves leavving a few tough units on the table. A lot will be deretemened by deployment and mission type.
Game will start in one hour.
edited post to contain batrepOpponent's list:
Comppany command, krak misile, chimera
Platoon command, h-fl, fl 2 mg Taurox
Infantry squad, hb
Infantry squad, krak missile
Heavy weapons, hb
Heavy weapons, ac
Special waepons 3 fl
Veterans 3 pg
2 Hellhound
Mission was maelstrom 4 (scoring objectives from opponents hand) DoW deployment
Choose sides: AM
Warlord traits: AM 3 orders, DE Conquer of Cities
Drugs: +1S, Grots: Fleet
Night fight: yes
Deploy first roll off: AM ->deployed first
Steal the initiative: failed
Pictures from deployments. Grotesques are in Raiders. One unit of Kabalites are in a Venom.
Am deployed Wyverns in to both corners where they could bomb the whole table. Hellhound squad was in the middle with command Chimera where it ordered ignore cover to nearby heavy weapon squads. Autocannon squad managed to destroy a Raider with Grots, Haemy and Archon for first blood. One squad of Kabalites was also killed by combined fire of wyvern and helhounds. Am Scored Ascendancy for 3 points.
After deploying in to the corner to avoid incoming fire DE started to retaliate in force. Archon& Heamy changed Raider and speeded to other side of the board. Venoms managed to kill one hb heavy troop amd they ran off the board. AC sqaud went in to the ground in ruins to avoid similar fate. Ravager tried to shoot wyvern but cover saved the one result I got. In my left flanc a Venom flat outed to objective. I managed to score 2 different objective cards and psychological warfare.
AM 4 - DE 3
DE advances to enemy lines while trying to avoid incomming fire. Conquer of cities really helped this time.
Both fliers came from reserves with specail weapons squad and veteran team and went to kill the Ravager and second Raider carrying Grots and high ups. Hellhounds took part in the raiderhunt with their flamers and wysiwyg multimelta. The Ravager Jinked everything except one glans. In the end the raider exploded but it took everything possible shot and so no shots against grounded grots. The two flamers did 6 wounds inside the Raider and Archon decided to sacrifice fleetless haemy to save his meatshield. In the other flanc my Venoms was destroyed but it took everything from Taurox, platoon command and wyvern to shoot it. AM scored one objective card from my hand.
Both of my Reaver squads came from reserves. One flat outed to his side on my extreme right flanc. The second tried to shoot Hellhound with blasters but failing entirely. Ravager tried to shoot Valkyrie making it jink as only result. Kabalite blasters did the same for Vendetta with similar result. Grots that had lost their ride on T1 tried to charge command Chimera but managed only to lost one model to overwatch. Archon and other grots on the other hand managed to wipe Autocannons fleeing from venom fire, infantry squad and one wyvern in succesful multicharge. One Venom that had jinked and lost a hulpoint flat outed to objective in the middle scoring two cards at the same time.
AM 5 - DE 5 going to be very close
AM 3
After losing the whole left flanc the brave soldiers of human kind tried to withdraw a bit. Command chimera retreated to avoid charge. Hellhounds lined up to grill grots atempting to bash in to lines but managed only to make one wound to the two grotesques in the open. The Venom that scored two point previous turn was wiped by the Hydra. Valkyrie went after Venom that was shooting exposed infantry making it jink but no other harm. Vendetta made two result even when jinked but Ravager made both saves due to being in ruins for stealth. Taurox advanced to kill a venom from objective. My opponent made a huge mistake here as he didn't take his flamer squad out of Vendetta as he had two cards to objective nearby. Archon and his grots were behind total losblock.
DE 3
The Grotesques in the open went after Hellhounds and managed the charge making two hullpoits worth damage in addition to destroyed flamer. Huzzaa. Archon and second grotsquad came out and charged last infantry squad killing it. Reavers from right flanc tried to shoot command chimera and managed a single glansing hit. Afterwards they moved right next to opponent board edge in max coherency to avoid flamers and Wyvern. A squad of Kabalites scored two objective cards for opponents hand while jinked obsec Venom took objective from Hellhounds. Other reaversqaud scored objective from my side of the board. Ravager left the ruins and tried to shoot Vendetta again but with same result as previous. Jink and no hits.
AM 6 - DE 9 Sorry no pictures this turn as things were quite hectic.
AM 4
Vendetta vent in to hover and wreced Ravager that tried to jink. It's occupants flamed one full Kabalite squad to oblivion. Valkyrie also managed to explode one venom with kabalites in it but killing only one warrior. Wyvern, Taurox and Hydra shot Archon and grotesgues killing two gots but not harming Archon. He had kingslayer in hand. The last Hellhound flamer killed two reavers but they held morale. Taurox drove to the objective at my left flanc. He also got hold the line and other objective.
DE 4
The Taurox scoring objective was a bit too close and my reavers nearby HoWed it to wreck not manageing to pin its occupants. The two grots in the middle of the board charged a the hellhounds again this time wrecking the first and shakeing the other one. Archon,surviving grot and the last 4 reavers managed to wreck command Chimera forcing it's occupants to snapfire. Kabalites tried to shoot Valkyrie that was now hovering and chargeing it in the end making one hullpoint of damage. Vendetta in hover mode jinked again when I shot it some blasters but not makeing any results. Obsec Venom scored objective while trying to kill troops that had come out of fliers. IWND got me back one wound to grot.
AM 9 - DE 11 (still no pictures)
AM 5
Platoon command that was now out of Taurox flamed 3 reavers but the last two were out of los and survived the attack. They were now fearless so morale was not a problem anymore. Vendetta tried again kill Archon and even though I had to make some saves he survived with the lone grot. The Wyvern was unable to wound Archon and the grot even with shred. Finally my opponent managed to score objective from my hand with his surviving special weapons squad and a second point from something I don't remember.
DE 5
At this point my Reavers, and both grot squads were quite close to his surviving tanks and even his warlord. in addition I too ahd king slayer in my hand. I managed to wreck his last tanks but failed 8" charge to his warlord with my Archon by 1". I again tried to shott his hovering not jinking Vendetta but missed of course. I made the mistake in shooting Reavers (and killing the Hydra) as I should have istead leave them to charge the best target available and that would have been his warlord. Both had line breakers.
AM 11 - DE 12
Astra Militarum commander surrounded by the even Dark Eldar.
We rolled the game to comtinue to sixth turn but it didn't. 13-12 Victory for DE!