I'm starting a new Kabal with eventual CWE ally force (Pawns of my Archon, but they don't need to know that). I envision a night and day or good versus evil scheme between them with a single accent color to tie them together. Currently I'm looking at white and black tied together with either purples or blues. Though, here is the good guy/bad guy part. White Dark Eldar and Black CWE. I mean the good guys always wear the white hat right?
I'm curious on thoughts on this in general. Also I have some questions about painting this system in general. I am an airbrush guy. I use it mostly for base coats, high level shading, and large wash, but I want to get into it more on finer things. I currently use an Iwata Eclipse, but have issues at smaller areas. I normally spray around 15-20psi for base coating, but doing smaller areas is there a better psi? Also, how do you control for those finer needs without overspray?
Next I use mostly GW paints and can thin those for Airbrushing. I also use VMA for some colors, can anyone recommend some good greys, to highlight black (I have some experience here as I have a large RG SM force but would like more tips) and to lightly shade white?
I was also thinking of black lining between the armor and panels of the white. IVery never tried it. How do people get such clean lines without spill over?
Thanks for the help.