I'm trying to to run my two armies in one list and maybe not get obliterated in tournaments;)
The idea for this unholy alliance is that Khorne is stomping forward when True Kin is shooting behind their backs. If I can't eat something and it's not D-Stompnig behemoth I can try to locked it in combat with fearless dogs. The expensive Blaster-Party-Rider is to assasinate important vehicle/heavy infantry.
Bikes are for the maelstorm points and some annoyance. From the few games I can say it looks promising if not played against some Eldar WK/D-weapons/bike spam or some other top lists (my local meta is tough. DE and Khorne are not top tier armies in any way)
Do you have any ideas how to improve this for max profit in pain/skulls?
Dark Eldar CAD
Archon, Blaster, WWPortal 110
5 Trueborn, 4xBlaster 115
Rider, Dark Lance,NShields 75
5 Warrior 40
Venom 2xSCannon 65
5 Warrior 40
Venom 2xSCannon 65
3 Reavers, CCaltrops 63
3 Reavers, CCaltrops 63
Razorwing, 2xDesin, SCannon 140
Ravager, 3xDarkLance 125
Khorne Demonkin Ally CAD
Chaos Lord, Jugg,Axe,Sigil,CMelta 175
8 Bloodletters, Bloodreaper 85
20 Hounds 320
Soul Grinder, Bombardment 165